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Everything posted by royalfan

  1. Vegas certainly respects Northwestern, and therefore so do I. More athletic than one is accustomed to seeing a NW team be, and they can still shoot the ball well.
  2. It sure is refreshing to see offensive putbacks here and there. It is probably my imagination but it seemed like a couple decades since we had any of that.
  3. I am looking forward to watching this back and checking out our defense in more detail as it has me curious as well.
  4. Lot of positive things in our favor, like the time and date of the game, and it is absolutely awesome that we took advantage of it. Have to stay hungry now. These games gave us a shot at being in NCAA tournament discussions down the road. Now we need to remain in the conversation.
  5. Wasn't fluky at all. One could argue we didn't even play particularly well, but for the most part we did play very hard and reasonably tough. Couldn't agree with AJB more on our entire philosophy.
  6. Top 30 they said today. They are very young this year it seems.
  7. You are exactly right in my opinion. Our defense was so much better back than. This was debated by the many Molinari supporters and myself (who doesn't think we have played very good basketball since he got here) with stats a long time ago. It goes deeper than just stats though IMO. You have to watch what is going on, and you nailed it here.
  8. Sorry, I gave my word that I wouldn't. There are others on here that have heard it and may not have such obligations.
  9. I hate to be too critical of anyone, and in fact I gave Miles credit for finding a guy like Taylor a while back on short notice. However, that doesn't mean I need to see him playing. When we struggle to score as it is, it extrapolates the problem bringing in guys that are even less capable of scoring.
  10. We certainly need to start prioritizing shooting on the recruiting front. We need some guys beyond the arc that you sort of know it is going in when they are left open.
  11. I would be in the too early to fire him camp for sure, if it weren't for that audio tape I heard of him last year at dinner with some coaches. Granted, I don't condone taping private conversations in sneaky manners and sharing it with people, but I certainly don't condone the type of stuff coming out of his mouth in any type of situation either. Puts me in more of an ambivalent position.
  12. Yeah I think that had something to do with it, which is why I mentioned his frustration got the best of him.
  13. He does for sure, which he should. But he took it to ridiculous extremes last year in the Creighton game.
  14. I am not the most educated guy on the matter. Can't watch as much hoops as I would like until after week 16 in the NFL. That said I thought line would be 3.5. If I were a local book I would set it at 5 or so as perception in these parts among both fan bases is that this is a rout. The fact is we are a decent team. We are playing at home. Vegas doesn't make radical adjustments for things like recent history etc. The total of 146 seems a bit too high to me if anything. I think the shooting will have to be pretty good to clear that number. Mcdermott takes this game very seriously. He has tended to coach one of his best games of the year in this one. He will have a pretty good defensive game plan I would think. And if he does, it will result in us using a lot of clock to find shots in many instances. They also don't foul a ton so the clock doesn't stop a ton. I don't have a good enough feel for anything yet, but that is what instincts say is the play if anything. Do be warned that Miles fouled the last two minutes last year down by 13-16 points causing an easy under to get blown up. His frustration got the best of him, and me:)
  15. Most certainly sarcastic.
  16. You thought wrong. Just like these other gems from that horrific message board. Thanks Dimes for showing that so I felt the need to check in over there. Considering, how they consider themselves to be so much smarter than us, the basketball talk over there is horrific. Just a pathetic message board. The only thing that drums up much interest over there is the topic of Nebraska. The inferiority complex is quite the phenomenon. 1. TAA thinking he is quite the comedian, wondering if they are looking ahead to the Longwood game. I might have to dig up the video of this clown winning Valley Tickets. Now that is funny. That "Go Jays" awkward scream is epic. His humor, not so much. 2. The awesomely named Jaysker12 gives us his insights into the game. "I haven't seen them play yet, but the offense resembles that of years past." Okay dude. 3. Gotta love this name. NUgradCUfan It isn't NU for starters. While easy mistake to make on the fly, it is not a mistake that should be made in a posting handle. And the name just screams I AM A TOOL. As for his insights, we were expecting Gill to replace White production, lol. Wow. 4. WhiteandBlue77 summing up many in this fanbase thinking they are better than everyone else. Complaining that he has to go to a bar to watch the game with a bunch of southern rednecks because he doesn't have BTN. You would think a guy with Creighton levels of intelligence would subscribe online for a short time and use an Apple TV to stream it to avoid hanging out with people so inferior to him 5. Good old LynchMob blessing everyone with his thoughts. "This will be a beatdown because the Huskers are scared and Miles cannot prepare a team. " Thanks for that Lych. 6. DJAYFAN laughably claiming that Webster was thinking about Creighton during the South Dakota game, more than that game he was playing in. He also claimed that we are about to become the 3rd best program in the state:) My goodness. There is delusional and then there is this guy. 7. Double Douche bragging about picking up some tremendous seats. Tom Green is your typical Creighton fan. Thinks he is more important than he is, when he is just another lawyer around every Omaha corner. 8. NUgradCUfan chimes in with more douchebaggery He says he is hoping to be surrounded by all Nebraska fans when Patton throws one down. Meanwhile, I hope I am next to him when this occurs. 9. Hardwood informing us that Creighton taking over the building while be similar to Husker fans taking over Northwestern in football. Sounds like he might have first hand knowledge of that experience. Looks like we have a classic Jaysker. 10. Hunter calling all of us "Cousin Eddies" to stay wtih the superiority theme 11. Jayslifer claiming "That was the first time (maybe ever) that I've visited Husker Hoops Central." This clearly shows he is a pathetic liar. Why would you have to say (maybe ever) if you already claimed it was your first time visiting. Caught in an outright lie. 12. Jaysker12 with more brilliance claiming there is no way we can keep up.
  17. We have to be careful with allowing Jack to become too soft, by being only a 3 point gunner. We need him to get better in these aspects you talked about to become a complete threat.
  18. You are not wrong. I can't explain the problem exactly, but what you said might be exactly right. Something was off in these two games with his stroke, and not just because they weren't going in.
  19. I don't think they will be sitting during the National Anthem.
  20. He is a key component as he can make shots. But if he isn't making them, he doesn't always provide much of anything else unfortunately.
  21. Would make more sense to have Horne or someone that can shoot in the last couple minutes IMO.
  22. NBA type of shots too. Not easy, many of these.
  23. I have to give credit to UCLA. Switching a lot, not allowing the drives to come easily. We just don't quite have enough shooting to make them be hesitant to double the ball briefly while switching. This is exactly how we should be defended. I thought UCLA would be a bit softer, but they are playing solid defense.
  24. Speaking of MJ. I hope his bulking up didn't affect his shooting ability. This has a tendency to happen to people sometimes. We need him to be able to be respected out there so it doesn't clog up driving lanes. His presence inside has been a bit of a welcome surprise in any event.
  25. Yeah I know that is what you meant. My latest discussion is if he should miss anyway, after making the first. I believe it is smart game theory to do miss and force a full court shot to win or lose the game. The odds are so slim of making it, I think it is worth it, after thinking about it a bit.
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