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Everything posted by cipsucks

  1. I really don't care about the starting lineup, but Miles said tonight's is Leslee, Walt, Shavon, Terran and Benny.
  2. Bugs, it's alright. I deleted my post on the twitter thing before you somehow resurrected it. It's all good, my man.
  3. Can the crowd hit 3 pointers? And how will they all fit on the court? I think that might be against the rules. We'd better check.... Remember this moment when, after the game, the fans rush the court. They'll all fit.
  4. Kent thinks its up to the Huskers to get the crowd into the game. I disagree. I think the crowd could work wonders.
  5. They just announced Brian Williams has been suspended 6 months without pay for misremembering stories. The final straw was all the Notre Dame gear he saw in a certain basement....
  6. The boss gave me the night off again, so I've had some time to do a little research. On February 10th, 1973 we beat KU in Lawrence 59-46. Feb 10, 1999 we beat 24th ranked KU 64-59 in Lawrence. Any chance we can move tonight's game to Allen Fieldhouse?
  7. I think with the Bud Crawford meeting, a Simon and Garfunkle song would be appropriate.....
  8. HB, you're finally coming along, so to speak....
  9. Your MY favorite small town hack, Tony! Couple of things from this small town hack: 1) 590 said today they will carry all the baseball games. KFAB usually only carried weekend series after the first month or so of the season. 1400 does a good job of carrying baseball and so does 1430 out of GI, but KLIN's signal is as weak as a doublejay post and KRGI's signal disappears at sundown as fast as 2 Big Macs placed in front of Joe McCray, which leads to point #2. 2) Night basketball radio broadcasts might be a little harder to get in this neck of the woods. Although, as Auroran mentioned, 590's signal is much stronger than 1620's, it still fades more at night here than does KFAB's. It not really important for watching the game, but I like to listen to pregame. All in all, the change doesn't suck that much. And as far as KFAB's history with Husker football, I think they've carried them for all of the last 90 years with the exception of that 5 year period when 1620 got the rights back in the late 90's and early 2000's.
  10. This year or ever?
  11. They should crank up some Cream during the game.
  12. I'm always ready to wear my mean-spirited racist, bigot, sexist, homophobe hats if need be, Norm.
  14. I suppose you also want your money for nothing and your chicks for free....
  15. The outside game comes alive for the Huskers today. We'll be raining down threes!
  16. Just got a feeling about this one. Huskers win by 7. Maybe too much vodka in my koolaid....
  17. Not if you're still able to post at 1:42 PM.....
  18. ....not nearly as important as the difference between 69 and 96.
  19. btw, Huskers are favored by 5. They win by double digits.
  20. I have no idea why the wife's laptop at Conlee's won't let me post videos. Probably is related to the porn block she imposed on me.....
  21. I think once Trumbull consolidated with Doniphan, they adopted Common Core math standards. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2t2nM0hCnjM
  22. I admit, I've been slacking lately when it comes to getting Cipsalsa out to the masses on this forum. We need to come up with a contest where 2 or 3 winners get a quart of salsa. Ideas, anyone?
  23. I'd like to take this opportunity to offer the dining area at Conlee's for the players only meeting. We might not be quite as handy as Lincoln Southwest, but I promise there will be no recording devices if someone wants to call the Athletic Director a "see you next Tuesday".
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