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_young1 last won the day on May 20 2014

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  1. On3 has our transfer class in the top 10 right now: https://cornhuskerswire.usatoday.com/lists/where-nebraska-basketballs-transfer-class-ranks-nationally/
  2. How does this work? He does count towards scholarship, meaning he still uses one of our scholarships? Where does this leave us with available scholarships?
  3. Braxton Meah commits to Skers…. via Daily Nebraskan.
  4. Most aricles count us out of the Fidler race…. https://lastwordonsports.com/basketball/2024/04/15/omaha-transfer-reportedly-choosing-between-michigan-state-wisconsin/
  5. When I was a kid my best friends dad was a huge booster for Nebraska. I would sit in Danny Nees office, run around the Devaney Center unattended, shoot around on the court with players and sit on the court (litterly next to cheerleaders or press) for games. Looking back on this now, I want to kick myself for not realizing how special and unique an experience it was during those years. Great teams during those times too. Crazy……
  6. Usually these letters end with something about transferring or continuing basketball career elsewhere. I do not see that in here. I see an apology and a player saying he’s going to focus on academics for the remaining year. I don’t think he has closed the door on Nebraska Basketball.... I don’t think this story is over yet.
  7. Nobody has any better insight into this? Really confused on why he left. To me, if he ends up closer to home it was family. If he ends up just as far away, it was the program. I wish we knew the true factors....
  8. Does the guy at the other message board who "knew" white and Watson were commiting have anything to say about morrow right now? If we don't get a commit within the coming week I may be a bit worried...,
  9. Please commit this weekend!!!!
  10. http://bit.ly/1r1JHRj Not sure how to paste tweet into this space??? Maybe you can copy above link into your browser? Anyway-- great article with quotes from Glynn about why he chose NU. Said it was down to only us and CU when he made his decision.
  11. Did anybody hear how visit went???? This is killing me! We need him to commit...
  12. Right before game, walking into stadium football game I ran into Petteway! Walked up to him and gave him five and told him "this is the season!" Too many people, did not see if Watson was with him. My wife said there was a young guy with backpack and head phones on. I did not see him. There was a million people though and I may have had a few "beverages" !!! Hope visit is going well.
  13. Haven't checked in on the Baptiste realm for awhile... Does he have a visit set???
  14. I've seen tweets as recent as a few hours ago... I just don't understand why arguing with a recruit seems like a good idea at all.... This is my last post on the subject, hope it will be some peoples last tweets...
  15. I never tweet at recruits... However some probably like the occasional "hope you come here" tweet. But I have seen 2 arguments with Jordan Cornish on twitter from husker fans! 1 from somebody I think posts A LOT on these forums. What is the point? Do we need to make it tougher to recruit here? We don't need to explain to recruits they don't fit in to opposing teams offenses then call them "touchy" when they don't agree. Or tell them they won't fit in at husker nation because of there twitter attitude. Let coaches coach and recruiters recruit! Keep your tweets to yourself! Rediculous.
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