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Everything posted by HolyBobpilgrimage

  1. Funny, because I got in right away after jumping on them when I woke at around 10pm (I work nights). Guess they cleared up any earlier issues. Cant wait. Got 100 level but didnt even think to try the once in a lifetime chance at club!
  2. Yea, unfortunately too. Oregon ruined things (though on a personal note, I'm not all that upset about that team ;) ), and now it looks like Arizona state is in too. Kinds dumb. Hey, this is really weird to not get an obligatory Arizona 2 seed bid; but they're not even in!
  3. I'll follow your lead. Espn, Yahoo, whatever outlet you want is fine with me. Maybe a new thread once we find that we have the interest of more than just us 3? I also remember doing it last year. Always fun. I'm new to the office pool and this year at work I'm doing it for the first time for money, but very happy to. Also playing more of the organizer role because people like to be lazy and drag their feet. ?
  4. Is this a good place to share links to invites to ESPN or similar tourney challenge groups? I have one, but ideally I'd like to get as many people who do the brackets, on this site, together in the same group. I believe we did something last year. Hope this is the right thread for this, it had the look of it.
  5. This is more magnificent than the magnificent 7.
  6. Nothing to lose, everything to gain. The magnificent seven: 57 Buzzcut Brads: 60
  7. From what I can tell, NET and KP correlate quite closely. Atm KP's at 45. Should update by the end of the night, he's pretty on top of things. But this is a very busy time for him. XD
  8. Exactly. I was going to mention it during the game and decided against it. Lol
  9. Get these good men a nice hot spa night after this, I'll be damned if they dont deserve it.
  10. Haha yes, the classic move by the awaiting bye team. I would warn them, that sometimes has a way of coming back to bite them in the ass... Wisconsin isnt invincible, and if Nebraska survives I see it as a decent matchup... Just sayin...
  11. I think most big ten fans are fantastic, and in these tourney games if they're the third party, they'll cheer for good basketball (and officiating). Youd hope common sense would prevail and transfer to the refs.
  12. I want to see glynn making the vince carter "ITS OVER" sign here soon... ;)
  13. The ROAR from the crowd! Definitely some scarlet in Chicago. Damn, I'm really happy I stayed up and caught this one on TV!
  14. Husker fans travelled VERY well from what I can tell, esp for such a disappointing team!
  15. He IS!!! its these homegrown guys that truly are the backbone of a program, I think I'm learning that now. And we're seeing it.
  16. Fucking LOVE seeing tanner get his due attention on the big stage. Kid works so hard and is seeing some success And now THIS is the emotion I was talking about! Just grab the momentum back! Gotta be opportunistic with this kind of squad. Family.
  17. There goes the momentum. 7-0 Maryland. We knew it would come, but those energy and emotion swings are ROUGH in cbb. Just have to dig our feet in and make some defensive plays, and that'll get us going again. This is a game!
  18. Beautiful pass by thor. Like how these guys are zipping it around. Seems we have a very clear gameplan on how to win. Sort of a Hoosiers thread where theres only one way to win the game. But it's good basketball, for the first time in a millennium! ?
  19. Since I said only 1 win... but not banking or hoping on it. Nu 62 Mary 70
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