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Everything posted by colhusker

  1. Told by a source close to the situation, yet no one can get close to the team.
  2. Will let it play out before I jump to judgement.
  3. Seriously doubt anyone would have allowed Fred to coach if they had known how bad it was.
  4. So who is the winner, they are in
  5. Easley gets bodied pretty good no call.
  6. Different angle on TV same poor defense.
  7. Charlie with a bad air ball and Yvan with a missed bunny. It has to get better right?
  8. Charlie HAS to know his limitations, that forced shot was awful.
  9. That was a fun game to watch.
  10. Will depend on fouls IMO - That said, Banks only plays clean up minutes if the game is out of hand Key will be Vedral I say 18 minutes into the game.
  11. Tried to put a positive on it.
  12. Going to be fun to see how this all plays out.
  13. As was pointed out above, he was a bright spot at times in a pretty dismal year. That said, I am not sure if he was going to be back or not but it sure sounds like he is gone now. To bad.
  14. Dang need to screen shot this, first win ever.
  15. Was at this one, but boy that 1978 OU football game was unreal.
  16. Cip what a great way to start a Monday reading that update! Tell Seth to keeping kicking butt and taking names!
  17. I hear they make the rockin world go round.
  18. Not sure it is what anyone expected, but here we are and I to think better days are ahead.
  19. Oh heck everyone else is picking now. IU 88 NU 70 0
  20. Cue the scene from dumb and dumber
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