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Everything posted by colhusker

  1. New ERA and new rules - one of the big reasons that unless the boys are over and turn it on, the NBA is NEVER on at my house.
  2. It's good to be King, unless you don't make it to Lincoln, then it's on to the queen.
  3. With all the offers that have gone out this kids thread has been covered up. Still hoping he will be N for next year.
  4. Mean while back at the ranch, Kobe King, remember Kobe King? It's a thread about Kobe king (to paraphrase Arlo Guthrie). Any word on if he's going to play ball some where?
  5. Max looks really good.
  6. No every day is Wife's Day
  7. Yeah I knew that, was making a point.
  8. Wait isn't this a high school kid?
  9. Not seen or heard this, not saying it's not true as I am one of the least connected people here. I thought Trevor said he wanted to come in and sit a year to acclimate to the D1 game.
  10. Congratulations
  11. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
  12. Okie lite clearly is not an elite program given the penalty they got. The big boys would have gotten a stern talking to.
  13. To many twos to keep them straight, he would get them correct too.
  14. To funny not to share
  15. Can vouch Cip has good stuff.
  16. We need a link lol
  17. Ready to be back in the office. I have worked at home long enough now.
  18. Jayschooler did you make it through the storms this weekend? Saw that Iowa City had a twister very near.
  19. Hey I had to Google it, not up on this modern slang
  20. No cap basically mean that their not lying or capping like they did something.
  21. Apple didn't fall to far from the tree. Mommy was burning bridges with coaches earlier this year. Kid ever grows up and realizes the world owes him nothing and to take responsibility for his mistakes he might be a decent player, the talent COULD be there.
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