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Everything posted by colhusker

  1. I see what you did there.
  2. Thanks Dimes, some day this old guy will figure out today's technology
  3. Is there a way to just put photo in here?
  4. https://www.flickr.com/photos/52858085@N00/36132617553/in/datetaken-public/ My view of the eclipse yeah a bit late. Hope it works.
  5. This, it's not just Jack. If he can score a bunch, I will cut him some slack on defense.
  6. I might pay to see Kent twerk!
  7. Hey I just replied to an comment in the article that concerned me.
  8. Nice article didn't really like reading that his shot is not great. Hope the author is wrong.
  9. No news means we will not be getting one of the transfers that look like they could help. But all in all, you are correct, grades must be in order and no one else is leaving!
  10. That would be great!
  11. Or semi colons!
  12. Well the tweet answers my question
  13. THAT was one of the most cool things I have ever seen! (Watching us win an NCAA tournament game may top it but!)
  14. Trickey it was nice meeting you today!
  15. I would have laughed harder at this IF it were a bit true.
  16. I can't get sound so water not an issue, it's inability to read lips!
  17. Folks who like dry reds say Lee has good ones. My pallet is not to the dry side yet, more middle of the road.
  18. Montreal would be a fun place to watch
  19. Carbondale Ill gets it both times.
  20. To paraphrase Lionel Richie, you're once, twice three times a lifetime.
  21. Not my winery just work there (okay help). They are going to be open Monday, I will be there and we will get 2-1/2 minutes or so of totality! Winery is south of the Millersburg exit (Exit 137). Take Route J 5 miles into Millersburg, take a left at the T go about 1/2 mile and turn south when Route J does for 1 mile. Turn right winery is right there. I will wear Nebraska gear that day. Trying to turn the place into a Nebraska watch site What kind of wine do you like?
  22. Not sure we had much of a chance with Ed, but one by one the targets of 2018 are going away.
  23. Well since Cip is offering this, I will pony up a glass of wine to any huskerhoopscentral family member who comes to Serenity Valley Winery for the eclipse.
  24. Hope to make both of them too!
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