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Everything posted by nustudent

  1. Don't think he did. But he had 'people' do it on his behalf so technically, he broke the rules without breaking the rules
  2. 1. Roby 2. Burke 3. Green 4. Allen 5. Harris 6. Adams-Woods 7. Heiman 8. Arop 9. Akenten 10. Davis 11. Thor
  3. Would agree if rating them. I used chronological order in listing them
  4. There are flops. There are also successes And it doesn’t take much on one to be the best we’ve had
  5. You mean like how you are doing to me now including to a post of mine last night/this morning that wasn’t even in response to you?
  6. Iba/Nee/Collier/Sadler/Miles its a fair question
  7. Who is flustered?
  8. Personally think we botched it. The prep school idea is/was stupid. If you want him in a year, just take him and redshirt him. Going against guys like Taylor/Gill/Palmer/Roby/Copeland in practice for a year is going to do more for him than prep school
  9. Suppose it’s possible
  10. Don’t know on Henry. But Matt A is the best transfer guy in the game
  11. I think Henry and Abdelissah(sp?) will be two of the 3 ACs
  12. Heard Charlie Henry’s name mentioned
  13. How many losses to 16 seeds does Duke have? Talent and Coaching matters.
  14. I still have to pinch myself, thinking its not real, but I just can't see how it's not at this point. The rumors/stories from all over. And it's media, not John Doe on Twitter or Rivals.com. I think it's also telling that there really isn't any sort of rumors out there about other candidates. You have one Arkansas writer mentioning Anderson, some light twitter scuttlebutt about the Bradley guy and Sip's blurb on Lue. That's it. And Sip just a few days ago was basically saying that Hoiberg was a done deal too. If there was truly a search going on, you would be hearing rumors about guys. And I think this has been a done deal for a while.
  15. Don't think that's the case. Heck, it's gone beyond rumors at this point. The local media are basically reporting it as done. Washut said it definitively last night. You have a Des Moines writer basically confirming it. Minnesota radio hosts have said he's already had people reach out to recruits on behalf of him. This isn't some message board innuendo or cryptic rumor at this point.
  16. Just because they have the means to, doesn't mean they should be expected to either. If his kid can play and is better than what we have, he's worthy of a spot. The walk-on vs. scholarship debate should be settled based on competition/talent, not the parents financial picture.
  17. If I remember right, the individual has to be employed for x amount of years before the reduced tuition is allowed. It may have changed but that was the rule when the Cotton clan was here.
  18. Was referring to the free tuition
  19. Don't think it's quite that simple. Think there is a vesting period before that takes place
  20. This is true
  21. Due diligence. Season was spiraling. Was just being prepared with arguably the number one coaching prospect this year
  22. It's been all Hoiberg for a while, a long while
  23. Doesnt seem like ability/talent was the reason he was losing PT
  24. Guessing he’s introduced Monday or Tuesday
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