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Everything posted by a0t0w0

  1. I insinuated with my post... I got 5 on ej crying that night
  2. Yep. Done did that. Done lived That. Never said "Done did" anything, but it's NUBB. SO Done did support that.
  3. Long con ..long con... long con
  4. Might be OT, but is Fred playing the greatest long con of all time?
  5. See...once the AD finally supports basketball... Lol i kid. Once the AD finally supports basketball after the city and fans did...
  6. Mmmmmn ohhhh yeaaah F you liddell.
  7. Frustrated. Not concerned..
  8. Nu 79 Osu 64 Next cry baby - liddell
  9. Penn state must have had some bad shellfish.
  10. No. I can't. I can't even understand if your post was sarcastic. 30 years of "I feel good about this year" and I'm finally broken.
  11. I love how they roll the ball in like they're going to redeem themselves with the extra 3 seconds. Fred looks like an ass of a middle school coach. I've held back, but sweet fucking christ this is beyond embarrassment.
  12. a0t0w0

    Coach Love

    I totally get what you're saying. I thought that for months. But then I realized the dude isn't going to get rich off local radio and he's actively trying to get unrecognized sports into peoples view. He might "know" things and perhaps over play them to his benefit, but I don't think it's anything nefarious. I don't trust anyone, but I distrust far more people's motives than DP.
  13. Lol leave it up to Joe K to make a bad situation worse. I was only sad to see it in hi Def and realize it was a slap rather than a punch. Ban him for regular season and let him come back
  14. Not a former player, but when i saw Allen from Texas doing things my mind went to..how did he get rid of half the tats??!. My bad for not knowing teddy had talented siblings. I did catch the end of his game the other night and was sad to see he couldn't pull it out.
  15. Wake me up next season.
  16. Fred is just a product of a generation that hasn't had to work for anything. Just because he has some new flashy ideas that we all know suck at this point, upper management thinks he's worth the pay. So sad what we have to deal with. Lol eat that tomorrow when you complain about a coworker.
  17. I've been around for a bit and he's still one of my favorites.
  18. I'm in no position to, uh, well judge another man with a full lower chin. That being said, why does painter showcase his with a turtleneck?
  19. Anyone consider who an internal replacement could be? I like Sandler. He seems like he cares about nebrasketball.
  20. Look, I somewhat love being depressed. I always look forward to next year.. This feels like ass.
  21. My sources are telling me there is likely news to drop on our April opponents soon.
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