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Everything posted by Silverbacked1

  1. Holy Sh*t Nighthawk, Sorry about your lose man.
  2. Everybody tip your Nyquil.
  3. Just tweeted: Chris Harriman ‏@chrisharriman24 Day 5 of recovery from his bone marrow transplant and still smiling! #TeamAvery pic.twitter.com/fCdJfJsY
  4. So your saying we all have great personalities Norm? Heard that was how I was described to a bland date once.
  5. It seems that games are moved much more now than a long time ago. My dad remembers driving to a game back in the 50's with the head coach and they went in the ditch. Couldn't see the road because of the blowing snow, but they got pulled out by a farmer and made it to the game. I think the game was in Randolph. Back then the starting five drove with the head coach and the second five with the score keeper. No buses for basketball.
  6. 1 is "The Vooooooooch" i believe.
  7. I see that as a mature way to tell Wake thanks but no thanks. Well I hope he called first to tell the coaches. This allows Wake to look some where else before March 7th.
  8. I'm hoping the weather holds up that I can go to the Husker game, then if the roads allow off to GI to watch the Haymakers in their scrimmage with the Danger. My son is interning for the Haymakers so hoping to make it out to see how they might be this year.
  9. Might have to get my long pants out if we get 12 inches of snow.
  10. Yeah more like that is his "game" rather than "he will the next..."
  11. I think they bundled them up and sent them to a third world country like they do with the losers shirts from the Superbowl, ect..
  12. I've seen worse! Me too. I bet. With a little bit of effort, we could make this a 10 page thread by night's end..... Let's do it! And I think we could by just responding to each other we could get one response on one page! Well yeah duh
  13. I've seen worse! Me too. I bet. With a little bit of effort, we could make this a 10 page thread by night's end..... Why yes we could. Here is my effort
  14. When Royal calls you out you have been called out.
  15. Got to remember this is Nebraskaball and at least one if not two will be hurt sometimes this summer and we won't be at full strength anyway. In all seriousness we just have to wait and see what the coaches want to do. We can talk all we want, but it really doesn't matter because nobody listens to us but us.
  16. Now that we know what is going on. Nu-67 Iu-59 After trouble with travel, hope they are tired and not ready to play.
  17. If he is to come off a screen he is better when he can fade to his left. Will drain that many more times than if he is going to he right. But yes he is a better catch and shoot player.
  18. Thank you red rum, couldn't figure out what to say but you are spot on. Last year it was .... and the year before...
  19. I can see my seats, section 322 first row.
  20. The thing that I truely worry about is that the Big is not helping the league out in the long run. Our teams get to the dance and continue to play like things won't be called because they haven't for the last 3 months, and suddendly you've got 2 guys in foul trouble and things aren't looking good for the rest of the game. There is a rule book that all college ref are to follow and it should be equal in all the different leagues. It has hurt us before in bowl games becuase of how the league calls a game and how the bowl officals see it.
  21. Hang in there coz only 6 maybe 7 more games and you will never have to worry about Ubel ever again. At least you got that going for ya.
  22. You had better spill when it is over. And how did you get nude pictures of TO?
  23. Yeah I also said that I am willing to pony something up for a XXL if they have one that big.
  24. Or some one from across the pond.
  25. I could send a strippergram to your house. Someone about your age ... GRANDMA GET BACK IN THE HOUSE!!!
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