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Handy Johnson

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Everything posted by Handy Johnson

  1. I’m more of Fairbanks Nanooks fan myself, but don’t forget Don Lucia got his start with the Seawolves before he moved on to the the C.C. Tigers & then Goldy the Gopher. My point is if you’re Kansas why not align with Washington, Oregon, Miami etc, rather than quote unquote “lesser” programs?
  2. Can the remnants of the ACC/Big XII/Pac 12 form a Super Sized Mega Conference? Doesn’t that make more sense than dragging a bunch of Houston, Cincinnatis & Witchita States into some kind of a Regional patchwork…???
  3. I remember Frost’s first Presser when he crowed to the B1G “you better get us now cuz year 2 will be too late” or something to that affect & how HAPPY I was to hear it…
  4. Bucky should hire Brett Favre, that might be the last State left where he could get a job.
  5. Looks like Wisconsin has seen enough, they didn’t wait around til the end of the year or reconfigure the staff.
  6. Looks like everyone we play Sucks & we’re worse…
  7. Was anyone who attended particularly impressed with any specific player or players…?
  8. Best case scenario: We’re BIG & our length & defensive pressure will keep us in most games allowing us to eek out a .500 record. Worst case scenario: We can’t shoot & we end up being bad BAD.
  9. You’re OK in my Book BJones, you know who Randy Edwards is…
  10. Jacobson will be much MORE of a factor then expected.
  11. Since the LPD has looked the other way & been “green friendly” towards the crowds at Snoop Dog & Cube, will they be extending that same courtesy towards Husker Hoops…?
  12. I’m fearful our outside shooting might be especially tragic, & until I see him in person I’m leaning Blaise might be more Jordy than Jorge’…
  13. By God, if we can’t spend our way out of this nightmare then I don’t know what. I just hope I’m alive long enough to see it swing back the other way.
  14. It’s a BAD idea, but like everything else I disagree with, it’s inevitable…
  15. Six Man Football invented in Chester Nebraska BTW, right down on Hiway 81…
  16. I’m gonna have to bust his chops cuz he’s ruining my “Street Cred” on HHC.
  17. I’m not hung up on the “Sell Out” streak so to speak, I just find the tragic irony of it ending on HOMECOMING too priceless for words.
  18. Well, they were AT practice & told me this themselves. Next time I’ll try to go myself to make sure…
  19. To add insult to injury, looks like we WON’T be selling out the Homecoming Game in two weeks. Yes we need the Bye Week to take a deep breath & regroup, but this team will not capture the collective consciousness & your casual fans have reached a level of disgust they will demonstrate with their feet.
  20. Word on the Street is Bandoumel was tearing it up in practice yesterday. Walker/Keita still seeing a lot of floor time together. Looks like this years mantra could be Go Big, or Go Home…
  21. A Fourth place finish & then 19 Wins considered a “plateau” & Not “good enough” for the Moos administration. Now we ponder what constitutes success after Fred posts an astounding (& not a misprint) 10 & FIFTY B1G record. I always look forward to the season but this sets up to be really BAD…
  22. With all the losses on the D-line & the Back End, the optimism heading into this Fall puzzled me. That being said, look for me on TV Saturday my Husker Zubas are making their debut.
  23. I hope your right, it obviously depends on the hire. There aren’t any quick fixes at this point & Winning the Press Conference makes my Ass tired…
  24. He should’ve been let go last November.
  25. I don’t expect a radical jump from 13 to Top 5, but if we aren’t hovering near .500 I have no problem parting ways…
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