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Handy Johnson

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Everything posted by Handy Johnson

  1. Could he take a Dump in it’s bed though…?
  2. Somewhat tongue in cheek, there have certainly been more SIGNIFICANT Wins, but I’m pretty sure that’s the highest ranked team we’ve beaten.
  3. According to 93.7 the Ticket, Walker will be in the lineup TODAY.
  4. All-Time Memphis St. Team Keith Lee Anferne Hardaway Baskerville Holmes Derek Rose Roburt Sallie
  5. We’ll always have 2011 over #2 Texas. Has there been a BIGGER Win since then…?
  6. I’m not going to sit here and listen to you “badmouth” Jorge Brian Diaz…
  7. ——————- 72 Cornhuskers 56
  8. As I sat there watching the first half @ the Zoo Bar, I wondered what Fred’s last team at Nebraska will be known for…?
  9. It’s amazing how many players we have on the roster who’ve made it to Division I without developing a jump shot.
  10. I’m thinking back to the “wide open”offense & barrage of 3’s I envisioned the day Fred was hired. NBA GM’s on the Speed Dial, & now this…
  11. Love to see Sam & WB just pull up & shoot a jump shot OVER somebody for a change.
  12. I think I’ll just burn some money in the Fire tonight rather than drive up to Omaha for the Creighton game.
  13. Our lack of outside shooting is all too apparent today. And the physicality of a bigger team isn’t helping either…
  14. Blaise needs to go UP with that Damn Ball & Dunk It…!!!
  15. Indeed, he was on the UNL Bowling Team & had bowled TWO 300 games before he was 25…
  16. It hurts my Heart to see Doc in that OU get up, & the beardless Groves brother looks like Daniel Stern from “Home Alone”
  17. Larry Putney is a Fraternity Brother of mine & one Hell of a Break Dancer
  18. Positively 4th Street I Threw It All away
  19. Zero, he’s more plugged into the Basketball program, haven’t heard a word from anyone regarding Football but I bet we’ll know by next week.
  20. Heard it from a reliable source, I don’t want to come on here & traffic in gossip.
  21. Derrick is dealing with a Back issue. He was going to play against St John’s but it “locked up” on him again. Wouldn’t surprise me if we saw him sooner rather than later.
  22. Looking forward to seeing Blaise & Derrick in the Front Court together. It has the potential to be Ffriend/Bradford II.
  23. Yeah, but that’s kind of OUR thing.
  24. Breidenbach looks like John Havlicek out there…
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