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Everything posted by HuskerFever

  1. We've got work to do today.
  2. Couldn't even say that with a straight face against Northern Illinois or Louisiana Tech.
  3. Sanders got hurt somewhere around 28-7, so I wouldn't necessarily pin a blowout loss on them missing Sanders.
  4. They are just 9 points (or 3 possessions) away from being 1-10 (0-8) on the season. Meanwhile, we are 3 possessions away from 8-2.
  5. Believe it or not, we have a chance to host the Elite Eight if we can get past UC Irvine on Sunday.
  6. Two goals. Both in the final minute of each half. Winner.
  7. Sure, but you also want to beat those cupcakes. I won't say the incarnate word, but some of those cupcakes still haunt us to this day.
  8. TWO THINGS THIS HHCC ROUND: 1) Your score prediction for Nebraska neut. Oregon State (as usual). 2) BONUS (-5 points): Predicting the exact number of Nebraska players that score 10+ (10 or more) points during this game (e.g. I am looking for an answer like "10").
  9. @hhcmatt Prediction: Nebraska 74 - Rider 56
  10. Or hear me out... All 18 teams play in the tournament. 2 games going on at the exact same time. Except instead of the courts parallel to each other, they're intersecting into one another like a giant "+" sign. Imagine the turnovers and chaos that would occur. With this system, all 18 teams get to play. Completed in half the time. And any basket scored in the other game's court would be point reductions for that other team. Win-win-win.
  11. Non-Shooters love matching up against Nebraska. That's when they have their career-high games.
  12. Game #02 vs. Florida A&M Results (81-54 W) Picked NU: 66 (100%) Average NU Score: 85.6 Average Opp Score: 57.9 Average HHCC Score: 19.2 Median HHCC Score: 18.0 Mode HHCC Score: 13 1 BigTate -18 2 demone -18 3 NeeandMe -18 4 Boots 9 5 REDZONEDAN 9 6 UnicamMan 9 7 jimmykc 10 8 bigred4 11 9 KenPom 11 10 LNKtrnsplnt 11 11 TheNovice 11 12 Crush78 12 13 Nebrasketball1979 12 14 ConkintheCorner 13 15 hhcmatt 13 16 hhctony 13 17 Jurgey 13 18 Noah121 13 19 throwback 13 20 aphilso1 14 21 AuroranHusker 14 22 hal9000 14 23 colhusker 15 24 cornfed24-7 15 25 Huskerpapa 15 26 nuhusker7 15 27 4NUfans 16 28 Busch Light 16 29 Bart Torvik 17 30 NUtball 17 31 brfrad 18 32 hskr4life 18 33 NU Follower 18 34 roundball3 18 35 SkersHoops 19 36 Vinny 19 37 DudeAbides 20 38 HuskerMB 20 39 Ralph Wiggum 20 40 twinswingohuskers 20 41 Breslin Petteway 21 42 roscoe 21 43 TheGov21 21 44 Cowboy Kermit 22 45 Minnesota_Husker 22 46 HuskerFever 23 47 bb33ch 24 48 Bugeaters1 24 49 Cazzie22 24 50 BLB115 26 51 CanadianHusker 26 52 BugeaterZ 28 53 MichHusker 28 54 Handy Johnson 30 55 tcp 30 56 BjoeHusker 31 57 The Jazz Huddle 31 58 75unlgrad 32 59 Woody Boyd 32 60 AGHANSEN 33 61 emwilliams 34 62 1sdpad2 39 63 basketballjones 42 64 HuscurAdam 42 65 EAbby 45 66 Silverbacked1 48
  13. Game #01 vs. Lindenwood Results (84-52 W) Picked NU: 67 (100%) Average NU Score: 82.0 Average Opp Score: 59.5 Average HHCC Score: 30.7 Median HHCC Score: 30.0 Mode HHCC Score: 42 1 nuhusker7 -22 2 throwback -22 3 bigred4 4 4 DudeAbides 4 5 emwilliams 4 6 Breslin Petteway 10 7 BjoeHusker 12 8 cornfed24-7 12 9 KenPom 13 10 HuskerFever 15 11 jimmykc 15 12 75unlgrad 17 13 REDZONEDAN 17 14 AGHANSEN 18 15 basketballjones 18 16 NeeandMe 18 17 roundball3 19 18 colhusker 21 19 Vinny 21 20 4NUfans 22 21 BigTate 24 22 HuskerMB 26 23 Crush78 27 24 Eabby 27 25 MichHusker 27 26 NU Follower 27 27 Woody Boyd 27 28 Bart Torvik 28 29 Boots 28 30 Lohusker 28 31 mkroll12345 28 32 hhcmatt 29 33 HuscurAdam 29 34 aphilso1 30 35 Busch Light 30 36 hal9000 30 37 Handy Johnson 30 38 LNKtrnsplnt 33 39 Nebrasketball1979 33 40 Noah121 33 41 SkersHoops 33 42 demone 36 43 TheNovice 36 44 bb33ch 39 45 hskr4life 39 46 Bugeaters1 40 47 AuroranHusker 42 48 CanadianHusker 42 49 Cowboy Kermit 42 50 Huskerpapa 42 51 Jurgey 42 52 Minnesota_Husker 42 53 BLB115 43 54 hhctony 45 55 Silverbacked1 45 56 twinswingohuskers 47 57 BugeaterZ 48 58 Nutball 48 59 UnicamMan 48 60 brfrad 51 61 ConkintheCorner 54 62 Cazzie22 57 63 Ralph Wiggum 57 64 1sdpad2 60 65 tcp 60 66 TheGov21 60 67 roscoe 66
  14. And here I was, in the first week of the basketball season, thinking that my predictions were pretty solid. Yet, the last game I was sitting in 46th. There were 34 HHCC participants who had a better total score than the average offensive production our football team has on the season (18.9 points). Let's hope that's a good sign that our hoops season will be predictably strong and lead to good things ahead. It's also worth noting that our guest pickers have doubled this season. Not only are we competing against the ever-reliable Ken Pomeroy. But we are now competing against Bart Torvik. Kudos to both @49r and @MichHusker for those data points. Some call it bragging rights, others call it their calling to defeat the guest pickers. Regardless of your current standing, continue to participate! It's a roller coaster ride with many opportunities remaining to claim a top 10 spot. It's also a great way to stay involved with others who share that same passion for Nebrasketball as you do. HHCC Standings - End of Week 01 1 throwback -9 2 nuhusker7 -7 3 NeeandMe 0 4 BigTate 6 5 bigred4 15 6 demone 18 7 DudeAbides 24 8 KenPom 24 9 jimmykc 25 10 REDZONEDAN 26 11 cornfed24-7 27 12 Breslin Petteway 31 13 colhusker 36 14 Boots 37 15 roundball3 37 16 4NUfans 38 17 emwilliams 38 18 HuskerFever 38 19 Crush78 39 20 Vinny 40 21 hhcmatt 42 22 BjoeHusker 43 23 aphilso1 44 24 hal9000 44 25 LNKtrnsplnt 44 26 Bart Torvik 45 27 Nebrasketball1979 45 28 NU Follower 45 29 Busch Light 46 30 HuskerMB 46 31 Noah121 46 32 TheNovice 47 33 75unlgrad 49 34 AGHANSEN 51 35 SkersHoops 52 36 Jurgey 55 37 MichHusker 55 38 AuroranHusker 56 39 hskr4life 57 40 Huskerpapa 57 41 UnicamMan 57 42 hhctony 58 43 Woody Boyd 59 44 basketballjones 60 45 Handy Johnson 60 46 bb33ch 63 47 Bugeaters1 64 48 Cowboy Kermit 64 49 Minnesota_Husker 64 50 Nutball 65 51 ConkintheCorner 67 52 twinswingohuskers 67 53 CanadianHusker 68 54 BLB115 69 55 brfrad 69 56 HuscurAdam 71 57 Eabby 72 58 BugeaterZ 76 59 Ralph Wiggum 77 60 Cazzie22 81 61 TheGov21 81 62 roscoe 87 63 tcp 90 64 Silverbacked1 93 65 1sdpad2 99 66 Lohusker 101 67 mkroll12345 101 68 The Jazz Huddle 122
  15. #23 Average points scored per game #52 Avg offensive yards per game Not bad. Is he looking for offensive coordinator positions?
  16. Something something about carts and horses...
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