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Everything posted by HuskerFever

  1. Are you based in Iowa? It seems like a decent handful of others on this board are based out there as well. I'm sure Nebraska is just a small segment on their talk shows, but can't imagine the conversations that arise when the topic comes up.
  2. The Journal Star jumps in: 1. Danny Nee 2. Joe Cipriano 3. Mo Iba / Tim Miles https://journalstar.com/opinion/editorial/editorial-miles-leaves-husker-basketball-in-better-shape-than-he/article_c8f4c0c2-433c-5a90-91fb-506d3f6bdf74.amp.html
  3. So with that logic, does that make Ernie Kent the best coach Nebraska would ever have?
  4. And probably some sort of agreement with their insurance and legal teams.
  5. Imagine how difficult it would be to have the same success as a modern day coach if the NCAA rules of "win your conference" was the only way to get into the tournament...
  6. It's probably more likely 0 B1G teams make it to the Final Four than the odds of at least one team advancing. The selection committee did not do any seeding favors for the Big Ten.
  7. It helps that their head coach is suspended for being subpoenaed by the FBI...
  8. It means that we'll likely see Miles standing outside of the PBA to see who the new coach is, since he is always in fear of retribution.
  9. Wow! I never thought this would ever be a thing again at Nebraska ever again.
  10. Just made me realize I need to scour the internet soon for a new avatar and signature. I can't believe it's been seven years since I've changed any of that.
  11. I'm pretty sure everybody on this board is saying he'd be the best coach we've ever hired. But like most investment bankers know, past performance is no guarantee of future results. Regardless, excited to see what he can do.
  12. If it's that easy, then why hasn't it been done? (Yeah, I know the answer, but still.)
  13. This board feels like the week before the start of grade school summer break. All the kids are hyped up, or nervous, or biting at each other with anticipation. Once the bell rings, we can all go out and enjoy the warm weather and the time off. MOOS, JUST TELL US IT'S SUMMER ALREADY!
  14. I'm sure some of these people just feel uneasy because nothing is final until the paperwork is done. We could easily get this dragged out and then the landscape changes, then we're looking for a new coach in August for a Doc Sadler to show up. Their concern is valid. Just hope this supposed "gentleman's agreement" other people are so confident in holds up, then things will just fall into place. If not, then who knows.
  15. The last I heard it was either Monday or Tuesday. We'll see. Any latter and I may start sweating.
  16. With all this publicity, Hoiberg sure has the negotiating power between the two parties here.
  17. Sounds like a 1000% lock to me.
  18. So more of a 10% discount off of $100,000? Or the Louisville special of a bankrupt and bannerless win-at-all-costs variety?
  19. Interesting... That seems quite the opposite sentiment from a handful of other vocal alumni.
  20. “I really liked Bill Byrne. But I’m still mad at him for making me pay for the food. He and the chancellor came to our house. They said they wanted barbecue. We ordered it and they never paid me back.” https://www.omaha.com/huskers/mens-basketball/barfknecht-why-kansas-coach-bill-self-turned-down-a-million/article_ed67359a-c080-59ef-8cc6-158dfdc731ca.html
  21. Let's just hope Moos paid for Hoiberg's lunch. We can't have a repeat of Bill Self again...
  22. Is that legal?
  23. Realistically, Michigan State's performance in the tournament should have no bearing to when a coaching announcement is made. Regardless, it would be a shame if Moos doesn't lock down a coach before the Final Four, because that would be a missed opportunity with all of those coaches networking events and meetups.
  24. And what if the Hoiberg rumors aren't as solid as everyone thinks they are...?
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