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Everything posted by HuskerFever

  1. Are people leaving to the concessions at halftime or just heading to their cars?
  2. Why are we paying this much money to sit in last place three seasons in a row?
  3. Got this game back to the teens. Right were we want them.
  4. Why would anyone want to be part of this roster next year?
  5. Might as well hit snooze for at least a year or two. We're stuck with this mess.
  6. 21 point deficit. We have 22 points. Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.
  7. If we get this to single digits by half, maybe we have a chance. Then again, we could have a 10 point lead at half and we'd still find a way to lose.
  8. If you call 0-20 a “prize”
  9. Still sounds louder on TV than Welsh Ryan Arena. Although that's not saying much.
  10. Incredibly bad turnover. Three points the other direction. These are the things that kill us.
  11. Not a great start to this game, but we have an opportunity to stay in this game before it gets out of hand. We'll see what this team decides to do.
  12. This whole season has felt like that...
  13. We're on a scoring drought though. Some things never change.
  14. Remember when Chris Beard has an $18M buyout, then Texas (the university with the largest revenues in all of NCAA) waited 2 years for that to drop to $4M before they stole him from Texas Tech? Yeah, we're not getting rid of Hoiberg any time soon.
  15. We haven't lost to Northwestern yet so he's actually 5-45. But...he started out 2-2, and did have a 3-5 stretch last year. So if you just throw out the 25 game losing streak and the current 13 game losing streak, and he's 5-7. Not too shabby... February 27 to March 1, 2021. The only Big Ten winning streak we've had in the Hoiberg era.
  16. You missed a decimal. FIFY. All better.
  17. Honduras: "Can we like....just pack it up and get out of this cold now?"
  18. Not a lawyer, but seems very unlikely. But if USA Today has been sitting on a gold mine, then you might have some hope at the expense of the reputation of the university: https://www.bannersociety.com/2019/12/5/20997328/college-football-coach-buyouts-kansas-david-beaty
  19. If we can win games on prior rosters that have less talent, then losing the McGowens isn't the end of the world. But it's going to take a lot of change in philosophy, mindset, or physicality to make any sort of improvement.
  20. It's probably a mix between: 1. $18M is an incredibly deep pocket; you're basically "saving" money by keeping him around even a year longer 2. For the same people who said that we needed to give Miles enough time to build their system, Hoiberg should be allowed the same Not speaking for everyone here, just biting on an interesting question from Norm to start the conversation.
  21. Our team was built to shoot lights out behind the arc, forcing teams to play the full court which opens up some lanes, playing at a top 10 fastest pace, and outscoring our opponents in transition baskets. But instead, we can't make our shots, we don't distribute the ball well, we turn it over, and get overmatched at the post it causes us to throw up too many unwarranted shots. Hoiberg has doubled down and tripled down that this is the type of philosophy he wants to run and hasn't adapted when he finds out the integral centerpiece of our team's ability to make shots just isn't there with this roster.
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