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Everything posted by bball23

  1. Are you sure on Gibbs? I was thinking Dana was the one that got him here and McDermott got him to stay? Obviously you would know more than I would in regards to CU. CU has a GREAT team and I credit them for it. They do lose a lot (especially Doug) so as others have said, really enjoy this. Not that they can't continue to be great, but right now the "stars have alligned" very well for them. Getting Doug being the biggest of them all.
  2. If we could somehow get to 10-3, that would be almost a miracle with this roster. I love Peltz's energy, don't get me wrong, but when he is logging 15-20 minutes you know you are thin. I just hope our RS guys sitting on the bench eat this season up and come to work hard everyday to get this program going in the right direction.
  3. Or the time he flexed his muscles at the Red Zone after that scrum at midcourt (which he had nothing to do with, was probably still flopping somewhere on the court). He's good, CU is good, but as others have pointed out, it will be interesting to see what happens when Doug, Echinique, Gibbs, Wragge and Jones are gone....ALL of those guys are Altman's recruits and Doug is Greg's son. I can see this series turning for the best in NU's favor in the next few years. I think the caliber of player we are bringing in is better, and I think Miles knows how to coach, evaluate talent and get players signed. Its no secret this season is going to be rough, but I'm still damn happy with our results. Nobody I bet had us penciled in at 6-2 at this point. The guys play with more swagger than I have seen from an NU team in a LONG time. Miles is a VERY confident person and I think as he gets his players in he will get them to be as well. The guy has turned around programs from scratch before and I believe he will here too.
  4. +1 Doug does so much for this team its unreal. He opens up EVERYTHING for everybody else. Greg isn't getting another Doug to CU unless he just gets lucky.
  5. My guess is he is referring to CU more....in 2 years they lose Echinique, McDermott, Gibbs, Wragge, Jones.....And I believe all of them outside of Doug were Altman's recruits. Will be interesting to see if Greg McDermott can recruit that caliber of talent?
  6. Most of us know obviously that this year is going to be very tough for NU. Creighton has a very good basketball team and was/is the better team right now. I still love, love, love what Miles is doing. The guy is playing with 7 players basically that are on scholarship and 3 are freshman. This team plays with good energy, good spacing on offense and a good defensive game plan. In fact, I actually thought at times NU was getting some very good looks tonight, but simply didn't make shots. That's basketball. Creighton had a very good defensive game plan as well so kudos to them. You will almost never, ever, ever hear me complain about refs (especially in a blowout) but the one thing that did bug me about the Jays was how much they flop. Twice Doug flopped with Peltz guarding him. I mean, cmon, he's 6'1 and a walk-on. Do you really need to "act" like you are getting fouled? In fact, a Jays fan behind me actually yelled "Get tougher Doug" which was refreshing to hear. Doug is a special, special player and all the props go out to him. I just don't like the way he flails around so much while posting up or going to the hoop. I mean, if he wants to move to the next level he has a lot of toughening up to do. But again, NU has a lot of work to do, I believe in Miles and his system and I think he will do good things here once he gets some players. We as fans have to be patient and remember that.
  7. I understand they are the hot team in Omaha (and rightfully so) but I thought his line saying that the state is more blue than red is 100% wrong. Outside of Omaha, fans still love the Huskers. They are now waiting for us to be relevant again. And I think Miles can get us there.
  8. Creighton. I think it looks good locally if we can win this game. But obviously will be very tough.
  9. Atewe is coming on an official visit Jan 2nd-4th.....he may be the big we are looking at it sounds like.
  10. So happy to get him! Maybe our culture will SLOWLY change...in years past things seemed to be "oh so close" and you almost expected the worst. Hopefully all clears and we see him on campus VERY soon! GREAT DAY FOR MILES AND THE TEAM!!!!
  11. Well, you know I gotta stick with it (and again, I REALLY, REALLY hope I'm wrong) Jays 74 NU 65
  12. A group of us come from Omaha as well and we have 4 others joining us as well. Hopefully we have a good crowd and we play well. Would be a nice win to start the week.
  13. First off, I've been posting on this board for years. I didn't have them transfer over my post to this board, so that has nothing to do with anything. Secondly, I am just as die-hard as anybody so I can play that game too. Come from Omaha to every game and haven't missed ONE game in over 15+ years. I know its your opinion, and it just seem like you want to throw jabs at NU at any chance. That's cool.....I'm not saying anybody has to be a "sunshine pumper" but any means, was just pointing out how you have mentioned on several occasions how we will get killed, we don't, we win, the other teams all suck. It almost seems like you are Lee B from the OWH. Very seldom will you give NU credit, but instead, downplay the opponent.
  14. Along those same lines Lee B was on the radio yesterday talking about total wins. He said before the season he said 10 wins, then he saw them practice and thought 8 wins. Now he has seen them playing and things 12-13 wins. Who knows how this year will go. I'm just going to enjoy the season and see if we can "shock" some people along the way. Would love to see us get USC this Monday. 1 game at a time.
  15. Good ol' Adam Barnes on Facebook posted on Kent Pavelka's post that somebody close to Tai Webster is with him at his academy and NU fans have nothing to worry about as Tai is "N" Lets hope he is right on that. No, the crowd is not the only seller of this, but even Miles has been quoted saying he hopes a good crowd shows up to show Tai what NU fans are all about. It just makes for a bettter/more fun experience for him I'm sure. I hope a good crowd shows up just to support the guys for how hard they are working. Would be great to get another win vs a BCS team.
  16. This is why I wish they would show paid attendance to games instead of actual for some of these early games I know NU sold over 9,000 season tickets this year so our actual attendance would look much better if they did that route. I know the Jays do paid attendance in their articles. Granted, they are drawing VERY well right now, but I'm sure some of the lesser opponents don't actually draw what they say.
  17. I am only doing this because it has been working.......I'm very superstitious. USC 66 NU 60 HOPE to heck I'm wrong
  18. BJoe...just curious. Do you like NU at all? You gave us no chance vs Valpo, picked WF to beat us by 22 (then come back and tell us how bad they are). Look, I know some of us are "realistic", but I have yet to see any very positive post from you at all. Its one thing to think we won't be good, but you always have us getting killed, having no shot, then we do and the other team always "sucks" just because we beat them. Lighten up man.
  19. Look, we all know this year may be very, very tough on NU. But last night for the first time in a long, long time I had so much fun watching these players. In that 2nd half, we were pouding the ball inside, pounding the glass, hitting jump shots, running when it allowed, playing good team defense.....and on top of that, the players look to be having so much more fun and playing so much more loose. Again, I'm not going to sit here and say that things are all rosey and things are where we want them to be yet, but last night was so much fun to watch. I hope we can continue this momentum and play well vs USC. I also hope we get a GREAT crowd with Webster in the house!
  20. I think Andre got the message....
  21. Here's to hoping NU plays well tonight. Will be tough being the 1st road game as well as 1st BCS team. Just gotta hope NU hangs tough and gives them self a chance to win late.
  22. I hate going against NU....but 1st road game vs a BCS team.... Wake 64 NU 57
  23. Ok, I'm sacrificing my scores for the team. I have picked NU to lose the Valpo and Tulane game and I'm very superstitious so I'm going with: Kent State 63 NU 60 Lets keep it going!
  24. Well, I did this with Valpo and it worked, so lets keep this alive (I'm very superstitious) . Tulane 67 NU 64
  25. Gotta play him. And hopefully all the rumors of him looking good early on are true. I'm sure he'll be rusty, but we gotta get this kid on the court. From what I was told, he's the type of guy that has 10 points, 8 assist, 5 rebound and you don't notice it. Plus at 6'6 he has some good size where he may be a matchup problem. Need to get him as many minutes as possible in these next couple games before our games get much tougher.
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