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Everything posted by Concrete

  1. Umm...OK? Since you feel the need to call out "The People" (me) who said it was a bball arena first and foremost.. Yes, absolutely terrific sight lines for hockey. I think 30%+ of the seats will have partial visibility of the ice. As I said before, it CAN host hockey but it's not an ideal hockey arena. Basketball first, everything else second. If you would like to tell my source that they're full of ____ then be my guest. They might find it a little weird though, considering they designed the thing. No no no no no. I'm not calling out you. I'm calling out people like Marc Boehm who promised us this would be an environment ideal for watching basketball and creating a home court advantage. An arena specifically designed with hoops in mind. Sight lines planned for basketball. I specifically recall them using the words "sight lines." Fans were supposed to be so close to the floor that hockey ice wouldn't even fit. And just like with the student standing section along an entire side and the two ends, the basketball focus seems to have fallen victim to $$$ concerns. Gotta be able to throw down some ice so that knock-off Disney characters can slide around on skates and crap like that. Gotta be able to do something with the place when basketball season is over. Oh well. (Why did you think I was calling YOU out, concrete? Never seen you even post about this that I can recall.) I've been pretty vocal about the arena being bball first, possibly not on this board though. Sorry for the confusion. Trust me though, it's a pretty great basketball setting from what I've seen. Not at all like CenturyLink in Omaha. They did it right, IMO
  2. Umm...OK? Since you feel the need to call out "The People" (me) who said it was a bball arena first and foremost.. Yes, absolutely terrific sight lines for hockey. I think 30%+ of the seats will have partial visibility of the ice. As I said before, it CAN host hockey but it's not an ideal hockey arena. Basketball first, everything else second. If you would like to tell my source that they're full of ____ then be my guest. They might find it a little weird though, considering they designed the thing.
  3. I think the plan is to have them operating by August or September
  4. They really do need to do something with the area, though. Last I heard you can't even throw a college house party there anymore because the cops will break it up immediately.
  5. I might be wrong but I think the city tried to fix up the bottoms a few years ago but they weren't allowed to by whoever owns the land because of some legal issues the city agreed to years ago. Perhaps there's a lawyer on here who can shed some light on that.
  6. I believe that is where the breslow ice center is supposed to go, but i'm not 100% sure on that. Regardless, 99% sure they're planning on redeveloping the entire area in the long run so you can reasonably assume that that area will be cleaned up in on way or another
  7. Encouraging but not surprising. Last year Shields still had a ton of baby fat, you could really see it in his face. Lots of that is burning off and becoming muscle. Awesome.
  8. Being here on July 13th and being cleared are two different thing from what I'm understanding. I may be wrong tho That is correct. Also, there is a very large difference between being "optimistic" and being "very optimistic." I'm fairly certain Miles just said he was "optimistic." It's certainly more encouraging than his radio interview a couple weeks ago, but at this point it's out of Miles hands. Our admissions dept and the NCAA are going to have to help us out.
  9. Kind of. Miles said it was a "hybrid" role including some of those duties.
  10. There isn't a deadline for the decision. We may not know until a day before the season starts.
  11. It would be awesome but I'm not really planning on us being a serious threat for him. Even landing Gilmore and/or Cheatham would be huge though, and I don't think it's completely out of the question. Two top 150 players in the same class would be incredible.
  12. I think Cheatham and Gilmore are the most likely to sign here out of that group (not sure how "likely" that is, but definitely more likely than Turner, Cunningham, etc)
  13. I understand what you are saying, but an hour or two one night a week isn't going to be that much of an interruption of their bonding opportunities. I'm not too worried about the bonding, but I am wary that playing in a loosely organized league might bring back some of Biggs' bad tendencies on the court. I'm sure Miles and co. have worked tirelessly with Biggs on improving decision making and shooting form and it probably wouldn't take a lot to get those old habits to come back. Although like you said, it's only a couple hours a week. Not too big of a deal IMO
  14. This is ludicrous. "I loooove the new arena, but why does Nebraska get to have it's logo up there!!?!?" Probably because without the University, the new arena never happens. Technically, MAYBE it shouldn't be up there (debatable). Realistically, it absolutely should.
  15. Not doubting you, but I've heard this so many times with football recruits and 99% of the time they end up making it. We'll see what happens, too early to say he for sure won't make it IMO
  16. You don't want to waste an official visit during the summer. Wait til the season. Students on campus, live game at PBA, more to do in general.
  17. I read an article that stated Hunter wasn't a Princeton offense guy. Can't find the link right now, but we won't have to worry about seeing that offense due to this hire
  18. how the hell.... amazing
  19. casual nebrasketball fans seem to be pretty pumped about this. Certainly could've done a lot worse
  20. At least he got the shot off, I seem to remember a game where we did the same thing and never got the shot off. Given the age and the number of pickled brain cells I have I can't remember who we were playing, the year or if it really ever happened. I think the reason you can't remember who we were playing is because it's happened on so many occasions over the last 15 years
  21. marcus walker was a stud, we really blew that one. He actually ended up transferring to Colorado State and playing for Tim Miles http://statsheet.com/mcb/players/player/colorado-state/4-marcus-walker
  22. Interesting. Pretty good offer list. Wonder how much of a backup plan he really is? His name has been floating around for a while, not sure if it's a coincidence or not that his visit was announced minutes after Sai committed to ASU.
  23. On the bright side, pretty impressive talent eval by our coaches. Sai was pretty much a no name when we offered and by the end of the process he was receiving strong interest from some solid high major schools.
  24. The guy is probably a late 1st/early 2nd rounder regardless if he stayed or went. May as well help his dad/creighton with the transition into a real conference.
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