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Everything posted by basketballjones

  1. My really well thought out, detailed, specific opinion: "He looked pretty bad."
  2. Hope you don't get too big headed with those seats, Norm! Still spend some time with us little people, please.
  3. I can say, without any shade of a doubt, that we won it in OT last year. I wish I could post a picture of the evidence that I have of this, but I cannot. This will never be put to bed though, and it's hilarious. I cannot wait til the ESPN 30 for 30 comes out on the Husker/ISU scrimmage of 2011.
  4. It's a defensive line -- some sort of pack line tool. Jump to the ball, sink to the level of that line to stop the drive.
  5. It means I have posted and my self-portrait is accompanied in the post.
  6. I should be able to provide some possible practice nuggets every once-in-a-while. I'll try my hardest, but no guarantees.
  7. Transferring my post count over won't have any effect on the already poor quality of my posts anyways
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