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Everything posted by LNKtrnsplnt

  1. Remarkable that Blaise only got two minutes on DWs first game back. Not the best matchup, but STILL. seems FH only trusts 6 dudes based on the minutes last night.
  2. Despite our best interests, you can now watch the upcoming cursed exhibition game.
  3. I finally bit the bullet and donated this year to try and move closer. Seems like my donation didn’t do that much in terms of my seat selection time. Curious if you donated, if you wouldn’t mind PMing me roughly how much and what your seat selection time was? Did seat selection just start today?
  4. Also wrote that Kobe/zo are eligible to return. Not sure how accurate this is.
  5. Feel better about this than I did an hour ago.
  6. AP newcomer of the year according to Washut’s tweet
  7. Okay so do we want Minnesota to win or lose tonight? They win and we play penn st then Rutgers. They lose we get NW and Ohio state….and we’re not last place. Truly torn. Penn state/Rutgers path looks better. Maybe doesn’t matter either way with our newfound swag?
  8. In the premier league when fans have soured on a coach (manager) a common chant directed at the coach is ‘you don’t know what you’re doing’ on repeat. It’s both brutal and funny and maybe beneath most ‘nice’ Nebraska fans. Dare I say, it’s kinda what this staff needs to hear tomorrow.
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