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Everything posted by LNKtrnsplnt

  1. Same. Was looking for him to go in at the end but he wasn’t there.
  2. UNL 76 puffer vest u 80 never wanted to be more wrong in my life.
  3. So far he isn’t playing up the I’m from Lincoln angle nearly as much as Sam. Not saying that’s good or bad. Maybe he wasn’t a huge husker bball fan growing up like Sam was.
  4. Currently hitting 9.2 three pointers per game. If we keep up that pace, we’ll be at 285 for the regular season. Very doable. We’ve pretty consistent, I believe low has been eight made and high, 11.
  5. UNL 82 lwood 61 9 non con 19 total wins
  6. Personally no clue. That was the common take on this board at the time so when I saw him in the cart it made me lol.
  7. Two seasons ago I saw Ed at hy-vee shopping. No joke, he was using a motorized scooter to get around. If that doesn’t epitomize his time here, I don’t know what does.
  8. JLaw had 14 pts in the first game before being taken out with cramps. Maybe didn’t play this one/reduced minutes?
  9. Guess he had me (us) fooled. Timing seems weird. Seems as if it should’ve been with the Oleg/denim departures. I guess you’ve been alluding to this for months with your posts dismissing him; I kinda just figured he ran over your dog or something.
  10. I’m being way too loyal to a kid who’s never played a meaningful minute for us, but this feels a bit shitty. He was selfless enough to redshirt then had to medical redshirt last year. His demeanor on the bench was outstanding. Was engaged, supportive, and looked like a leader. Wish he would’ve gotten a shot here. Good luck Q!!!
  11. I don’t want to see Illinois again. Of the four, NW would be the ideal matchup.
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