Don't plan on that happening. Exactly how many times do you hear about the "Point of Emphasis" being quality officiating. Unless they totally screw up and say something off color, most anything dealing with officials is done behind closed doors.
Is this the new Common Core Officiating?
I would think 11-7 would get us in the NCAA, or at least definitely on the bubble, provided we have a few quality wins, i.e Maryland, Michigan State, Purdue, Indiana. I feel we have a real chance of stealing a couple of these games. Why not?
He's playing at his highest level of confidence since he's been here. After the Villanova game some of us were probably ready to give up on Tai, thinking he was never really going to be a significant contributor for us. I admit I was starting to think that. He could have packed it in after a rough couple of years, but it's finally coming together and I couldn't be happier for him, or more proud that he's wearing a Husker jersey.
I'll be making the drive west from The Ann Arbor area for the game vs MSU. I was good luck last time I went so I'm hoping I can be good luck this time too
Don't forget to bring this along...
Yes, seemed to be student led, as there was a student holding up a "HUSKER" sign. I was waiting for a Pinnacle staff member to come along and make him stop, but no one did.
Just had to bid farewell here to the Thin White Duke. I know David Bowie is about 180 degrees from basketball (although he wrote "Under Pressure," which you'll sometimes here at NBA games, etc.), I also know a lot of us here share a passion for music as well. May he finally learn if there's Life on Mars.