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Everything posted by cornfed24-7

  1. Pfft. Patience and development?!? We'll just reload in the transfer market. It's all the rage. Pretty soon it'll be nothing but dancing and banners!
  2. Good gosh. If I win this bet I lose. If I lose this bet I lose. Is this Vegas in Nebrasketball hell?!?
  3. If fate has a sense of irony its the Omega variant we have to worry about.
  4. I know its been picked. But I think we angered the basketball gods and are being punished. So I say we are going winless.
  5. My hunch is the exact opposite
  6. I don't see how we aren't doing anything but battling for the celler of the Big Ten again next year. Possibly running away with it for a fourth year in a row.
  7. Maybe Hoiberg is a benevolent coach and sparing them the massive development hit they would surely take from having to play on this team.
  8. Us 61 Them 58 I do not expect a win. Possibly the rest of the season. At least I can binge watch The Witcher
  9. Some young hungry sports writer probably does have the dirt but when they ran the story by their editor the editor said there's absolutely no way they're wasting any time or space on a story about Nebraska Basketball...No one cares about them Youngblood.
  10. This is getting to 20
  11. I don't know about that. My brother in law coaches men's tennis at Wisconsin and he was texting me about it. Not saying he's substantial, but its definitely out there.
  12. I mean how do you evaluate talent of recruits, coaches, or anyone for that matter if you don't evaluate everything? Would you say Hoiberg was a talented coach before he got here? Does his record before he got here matter? Is our current team talented? What they've done here would suggest they are not at all talented. Is that really the case? By your logic it is.
  13. It has led to a couple of wins
  14. I nominate this post of the year.
  15. the current live feed from my house
  16. Like the national newspaper USA Today? Or you just messing around? Or is something just over my head? I R Cofused ☹
  17. You have to PAY for rumors!?!
  18. I just spent a 10 minute 1st page google deep dive and found Jack. My wife was like "What are you scowling at?"
  19. 67 us 66 them why do I do this to myself
  20. And also It is beginning to look like the football team has a better chance of turning it around next season and saving the coach than the basketball team. And If I could travel back in time and tell my 1 month ago self this my 1 month ago self would probably insult my mother.
  21. I agree. He can't possibly want to. I'm at the point though where it looks like his wants may not matter. And I'm not saying Hoiberg should be fired in 1.5 years based on the prior 2.5. But at some point there are minimum standards. And I'm not going to state what those should be. All I'm saying is, even though Trev can't possibly want to fire a Hoiberg, it looks like in 1.5 years it is becoming a very likely scenario that even though the minimum standard seems so low, this team may be sooooo bad over a four year period Trev is forced to do something he did not want to do at this moment and time.
  22. Bouchard vs. Walker would be a great match up to watch though.
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