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Everything posted by cornfed24-7

  1. Saw another one that was advocating that South Dakota State and North Dakota State should make the jump up and the PAC12 should take them. Don't think it will happen, but it would be pretty freaking sweet
  2. Moneywise your right. But if you get a chance to come to San Diego every other year you take it. Whatever enjoy Lubbock
  3. I like this. I think this is a good start. This is good for SDSU. The BIG 12 should have snagged them. Missed opportunity. Wonder what other 2 they'll get?
  4. I think Brice gets the hat trick.
  5. Looks like they listened to Norm. He's been beating the drum about getting that 5th year for a couple of years now.
  6. Same time
  7. If it's anything less than winning the whole damn thing than his confidence is less than mine has been 37 years and running.
  8. Not sure where to look it up. How many did Mast take last year?
  9. Not a diver. Gonna say at this point in my life that climbing the stairs to get to the board counts as the physical exertion portion. Therefore a sport.
  10. Gotta make that money back for all those billion dollar TV deals.
  11. Good thing we have Allick here coaching then Teach this boy all about 4 wheelers and flamethrowers!
  12. Sure if you want to frame it that way. And by no means do I mean that man any ill will when I say F√€k that guy
  13. About as classy as his exit
  14. Nah. F√€k that guy.
  15. I know. It was just abrupt because you don't really hear the other way anymore. A quick story. First, I have the humor of a 14 year old boy. And so did my buddy. When I was at my 1st duty station an old timer Medal of Honor, Air Force Cross(I think), and Purple heart recipient was visiting the base. Always a pretty big deal. They kinda accommodated whatever the VIP wanted. This guy just wanted to get around the base and meet the airman, talk to them and tell stories. He was a charming sweet man. Late 80's at the time I think. I was 19/20. Our Full Bird Colonel brings him around around our squadron. There's like 60 of us. We circle up and this guy's starts holding court. Like I said sweet and charming. Taalks and talks. Talks about everything. He was an enlisted guy. Starts talking about being a poor GI when he first enlisted. Then starts talking about how he was so poor all him and all the other GIs could afford to eat was tube steak. Tube steak for breakfast lunch and dinner. Had tube steak so much he ended up hating tube steak. Which was sad he said because before he enlisted tube steak was one of his favorite meals. Now for the uninformed the old timer ment hot dogs for tube steak but my brain hears penis for tube steak. Probably one of the greatest feats of restraint I ever mustered was that day. Surpressing my laughter. At the first tube steak mentioned I caught the eyes of my buddy and immediately Internally lost my shit. How he or I were able to maintain our composure I have no idea.
  16. Spike McDiggerson
  17. I did the same thing when I read it
  18. Mine too! For the obvious reasons, but also it is just a good looking number! The mirrored semetry of the 6 and 9 is just pleasing to the eyes. That and 13. I ALWAYS picked 13 or 69 for my jerseys if they were available. And all my video game players are one of those two #'s
  19. Pfft cornfed #24-7 it is. Lacks fundamentals, no lateral or straightline speed, stamina will be an issue.
  20. Man I hope he keeps that all season long!
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