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Norm Peterson

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Everything posted by Norm Peterson

  1. So, William Travis. Totally crapped the bed at the Alamo. I guarantee they didn't give him a contract extension after that one.
  2. Man, that Leonidas dude really crapped the bed at Thermopylae, huh?
  3. That analysis might work if you were evaluating your office of real estate agents or insurance sales reps. Did Miles succeed his first season or did he crap the bed? That season tied for his fewest conference wins along with year #3, in which you say he crapped the bed. Were they both bed crapping seasons?
  4. First time ever. (Kenpom-wise.)
  5. Yeah there’s always some excuse, right? It’s his job to recruit and coach up players to not get sick or injured.
  6. I'm guessing it was Gary Bargen, who I think was a really good coach.
  7. 52-42 at half; no shot clock.
  8. Danny and Billy hated each other. Danny had to be happy to get that one over on Billy. The passing by that team was really crisp. The ball really moved in the half court. Guys didn't hold the ball very long. There was a sequence of 5 or so passes midway through the first half where none of our players held the ball at all. It was like playing hot potato: They no sooner caught the ball than they were passing to the next player. That was pretty impressive.
  9. A dead sheep or a live Regent's wife?
  10. Oh, no. Don't declare a winner just yet. Comicly bad covers? I don't think they knew what a "toke" is.
  11. I saw a posting over on the Rivals board of a guy who has six tickets he's selling for $100 each. That's nuts. And I wonder where these guys who generally dump on the program manage to find tickets like that.
  12. Why would we play in a game like this? Think about the mutual advantage. Each team has a neutral-site game against a foe they probably expected would be Q1 at the time they made the deal. Losing a Q1 game doesn't hurt; winning a Q1 game helps. A lot. So there's not a lot of downside risk to either team. Makes a lot of sense if you think about it.
  13. I think you were off on some of the seasons. I fixed it for you.
  14. 94-95 is in there twice.
  15. It's that pack-line defense that ... Wait wut?
  16. He can't catch a break from the officials. Was Eades one of them?
  17. That's eye-opening.
  18. You all should do yourselves a favor and watch the reaction videos.
  19. I didn't see a scouting thread for the Mid-week Off-night. Maybe I missed it. HHCC?
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