One noteworthy thing: If my math is correct, we have 1 spot currently available for 2021 recruits. We've made about 7 new offers as of Monday to 2021 recruits. ALL OF THEM are high school kids. All of them. (So, Donovan Williams was ... mistaken?)
It seems pretty remarkable to me that we'll likely have no more than 2 total freshmen and sophomores on the team next year (not this one, but the next one after this year). The rest of the players will be juniors and seniors.
Which means we're just a couple of years away from another virtually complete roster overhaul.
With the era of no-sit transferring soon to be upon us, maybe that's no big deal. Maybe we're better off relying on free-agency rather than developing draft picks.
But it'll kinda change the vibe on senior night when, instead of looking back fondly on the video clips of a kid playing here as a freshman and then as a senior, looking at your roster and saying , "OK, now who is that guy?"