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Norm Peterson

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Everything posted by Norm Peterson

  1. Lat took one shot. It was in the 2nd half and it was a three that was blocked by their center. Our best 3-point shooter took a single shot. That's a problem. Turnovers were obviously the biggest problem. Some huge defensive breakdowns, especially in the 2nd half. Yeah, we have a lot of work to do. Hopefully, the kids will remember this was a top 10 team they played tonight and not get too down on themselves. I don't want Fred losing this team. They need to dig deep. It's going to be a tough season. If the players quit on themselves, it'll be exponentially worse.
  2. Y'know, I used to get in arguments with those "no moral victories" guys about whether you could feel good about a loss in which you played well against a good team. Yeah, it's still a loss. Yeah, at the end of the season, it still counts as a loss. No, I get that. But I'm sitting here thinking I'd feel better right now if we'd lost 80-70. Someone feel free to try to convince me I'm wrong. I'll wait.
  3. OK, I'm getting tired of your shit on this thread. Go cheer for a different program, then.
  4. is this game six or sixteen?
  5. @basketballjones be like "yesssss!"
  6. Well, if you want slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, you picked the right team to follow. That's us.
  7. I think he did baseball PBP for awhile. He has a decent broadcasting voice. But he tries way too hard to be funny and he's just not that funny. And he's not very bright, either. He has said some things over the years that have left me literally shaking my head and some things that just downright pissed me off. One time, I called Broadcast House and tried to gently explain to him how something he did was not good news reporting -- and I mean I was being very diplomatic about it -- and he got frustrated and hung up on me. After that it was like, ok, gloves off. He's an idiot and I'm not going to shy away from saying so.
  8. I don't know that we'll have six guys over 30% (or, as ISU had, five guys at nearly 35% or better.) What I think we will have is a team that has a lot more shooters on it than this one does. I think there are three newcomers who would shock me if they shot under 35% from beyond the arc next year. And those guys are Tominaga, Lakes, and Bryce McGowens in that order. I fully expect Mayen will be in that group, which would give us 4. I don't know that Lakes necessarily gets enough reps to get 50 attempts on the season, but the other guys should. After that, we have guys who can get to the rack pretty well. And our drivers will be more successful when we have good shooters on the floor to space the defense out.
  9. If there was a support group for dumbass guys on radio, John Bishop would be the President. John, if you read this, I've been offering you this advice for going on 20 years: You aren't that funny; quit pretending that you are.
  10. Joe Dabbert was years removed from the NU-CU rivalry; Shang Ping wasn't yet a part of it. But in that summer league game, when the CU recruits went up against the Husker recruits, they brought Joe out of mothballs so they'd have a big in the game. And he's honestly just a dick. Shang Ping had no idea why this guy was acting like such an asshole in what should have been a friendly summer league game, but it nearly came to blows between the two of them. They had to be separated. And you could just see Ping's expression was like "WTF is wrong with you?" Generally, I hate Creighton fans more than Creighton players. But I do make exceptions for Joe Dabbert. And the execrable Jimmy Motz.
  11. That's exactly right. Banton, not being much of a shooter himself, needs a supporting cast with a bunch of shooters. And he doesn't have them. Yet. Next year is when the dead-eye shooters arrive. And I'm counting on at least 3.
  12. This isn't a 2-year rebuild like at ISU. When Fred arrived at ISU, there was a much more fertile transfer market available to him (because it wasn't as much of a thing back then; you could pick up some bargains; now, more coaches have figured out that's a place to find talent.) He was able to raise the talent level at ISU a lot more quickly. I think year 3 is where you should start to see a little better product on the floor for us. I've been noting the increased emphasis on shooters. Those guys won't be available until next season. In the meantime, where Fred's 2nd team at ISU had all 6 of his top 6 guys shooting at least 30% from three, Fred's 2nd team at UN-L has only 2 such players. Compare: 30.8 46.4 39.2 34.8 36.6 38.2 with 27.6 21.1 42.3 29.4 37.9 0.0 That's a big difference. And, FWIW, the ISU guys all hit that arbitrary minimum of 50 attempts that I talked about in a different thread. Bottom line: We need more guys who can flat out shoot the ball.
  13. They're still due for a loss. #EndTheStreak
  14. They're due for a loss, then. #EndTheStreak
  15. I have a strategy. How about this: We hit some shots.
  16. Moses Wright averaged 3.6 points on 31% shooting as a freshman at Ga Tech.
  17. I think the difference in the game tonight was that they have a guy, Alvarado, who is simply capable of taking over a game, putting his team on his shoulders, and just carrying them across the finish line. Yeah, the Wright kid is a very talented player as well. But Alvarado, when he came back into the game for the 2nd half stretch run, he just nutted up and got it done. Yeah, sure, we pissed some defensive possessions down our leg. (Not sure what Banton was looking at when Alvarado blew by him for a (missed) layup.) And we graciously left a couple of their shooters all by themselves, which they finally managed to cash. We actually did a pretty darn good job defending Wright for most of the night. But Alvarado just took the game over down the stretch. If my math is right, he had 15 points in the last 6:43 of the game. We had no answer for him. We don't have that guy at this point. I had hoped Teddy Allen might be that dude, but it doesn't appear to be that way. At least not tonight. A couple of years ago, that guy was James Palmer Jr. And when you needed a bucket, JPJ could pretty much get you one against almost any team. But they had an Alvarado. And we don't. And that was the difference in the game.
  18. Perhaps. I think the odds should be slightly better that the B1G would win 3 than lose 2. So, I'd go 2-1, 3-0, 1-2, 0-3.
  19. Dalano says we're starting 5 guards against GT? Is he counting Lat as a guard?
  20. Interestingly, their bench is averaging 11.7 ppg. Their 5th starter is averaging 12.7 ppg. So, you basically have 5 starters scoring and virtually no one else. But their 5 starters are very good and their center is fantastic. He's shooting 60% from 3-point range on minimal attempts, but the real damage he does is inside, where he is superb. Very athletic and quick. He's going to be a real challenge for whoever is assigned to him defensively. As a team, they're about as bad as we are shooting the 3. That should allow Doc some latitude to throw some doubles at Wright, their superb big man, and not have to worry so much about recovering to open shooters (although, with our history, this will be the breakout game where they shoot 55% from downtown.) Anyway, they're not especially long. I think Moses Wright has the athleticism to guard Lat Mayen on the perimeter. But who do they use to guard Teddy Allen? Whoever that person is, they won't be able to also guard Trey McGowens. So, they'll have to pick their poison a little bit there. One of our guys will have a huge mismatch advantage on one of their small guards. And if Wright is guarding Lat on the perimeter, they won't have a shot blocker inside to challenge our guys taking it to the hoop.
  21. Of the postponed games, do you think the B1G would go 1-2, 2-1 or 3-0?
  22. The probable result of which is that we now have Fred Hoiberg as a coach.
  23. So, was this a Miles miss or a Hoiberg miss?
  24. Thanks for posting that chart, @REDitus. Here's a surprise: Shamiel is averaging 18 points per 40 minutes of playing time; Trey is averaging 17.4 points per 40 minutes. I find that interesting. Aside from his 3-point shooting numbers, Shamiel is far and away the most efficient shooter on the team.
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