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Red Don

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Everything posted by Red Don

  1. Defense is good, we're getting Rebounds; but offense is stalled.
  2. Double-digit Lead going in to a disastrous last 2 mins of the half! Halftime Stats:
  3. Webster hit so hard by Omoryi it knocked him out of his shoe, No foul. (there was really no foul )
  4. Wisconsin Post-Game Press Conference (14:03) Bryce McGowens 0:00 to 3:30 Coach Hoiberg starts @ 6:10
  5. WBB Game 1/23 @ ILLINOIS POSTPONED - (Covid) RESET for Sat 2/12/22 @ 7pm https://huskers.com/news/2022/1/28/womens-basketball-huskers-to-travel-to-illinois-feb-12.aspx
  6. I know nobody rings a bell signalling the bottom; but I think I just might have heard a slight tinkle! https://www.soundsnap.com/brass_bell_02_wav It might be time to pick up some good Football Seats (Basketball Too!)
  7. Post Game Press Conference (6:04): With Coach Amy Williams.
  8. Your Final: 77-44
  9. Stats at the end of 3 Qtrs:
  10. BELLA!!! BELLE!
  11. Halftime Stats:
  12. Holy Moly, Was that last offensive set impressive; Crisp multiple passes down the court!
  13. First Quarter Stats:
  14. Attendance: 3,528 Referees : Erica Parker , Angie Enlund, Kevin Pethtel
  15. Let's FILL-UP "THE VAULT" for WBB TONIGHT - AUSTRALIA NIGHT. If You're in Lincoln, DON'T MISS IT!!!
  16. Bourne to Receive Endowed Scholarship https://huskers.com/news/2022/1/26/womens-basketball-bourne-to-receive-endowed-scholarship.aspx
  17. I'd say you're just Fickle! A sucker for the latest thing that comes along! Seriously, no doubt Britt Prince will be a highly-sought recruit and will have her choice of programs,i.e. location, academics, and whatever appeals. I think one of our biggest advantages is the obvious Fun and Zest with which we play. The players are always saying how much they enjoy playing together and how it is a 'home away from home' for those a long way from Home. And it doesn't hurt that we are having some success to-boot! i.e. do Iowa and say, Michigan et al LOOK like they're having Fun. (Nor do they Always Win!)
  18. Honest questions. I think Meyer is on a Volleyball scholarship. Would she then change to a track scholarship? and does it provide as much assistance as the vb scholly. It does not seem like the two sports overlap much (if at all) in their seasons. I also read somewhere (re Mendelson's case) that it is ok for a player to play VB on a WBB scholarship, but the reverse is not allowed under NCAA rules (i.e. a player on vb scholarship is not allowed to play basketball). https://twitter.com/eliteBB2024/status/1454943345030090753?s=20
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