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Everything posted by cipsucks

  1. And Missouri blows.
  2. Like this?
  3. Dave, we beat Minnesota. Geesh, how many times do I have to say it?
  4. If I was a journalist/columnist, I would think twice about tweeting. It's not like you can go back and edit what you said, like you can before submitting your piece. You're sharing your thoughts with the entire world. They better be damned good or you're gonna catch hell.
  5. 2,500. I think it was about 75-25 or 80-20. The return of the Panda!
  6. uneb, the kid's a good player and a quality individual. Wish he was on our team, but he's not. But, if it was a choice between having him on our team or having Miles as head coach, I'm happy as hell Gesell is a Hawkeye.
  7. Quite the statement seeing neither Webster or Fuller has played a collegiate game yet.... I've heard people make it. And saying they're not better is different, how? I'm just asking.....
  8. Quite the statement seeing neither Webster or Fuller has played a collegiate game yet....
  9. 15 for 24 from the floor for the Huskers in the second half.
  10. Creighton in Doc's first season was close. I don't think we were ever down by 21, though.
  11. 20 seconds left, 11 on the shot clock.....
  12. Shields with a team high 15. 49r likes this kid.....
  13. Down 5 with the ball. Get a frickin' basket!
  14. Let's get these free throws, Shavon.
  15. We need a jinx on Iowa shooting freethrows. Any suggestions?
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