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Everything posted by cipsucks

  1. What disappoints me is right now I have been unfriended by three people....
  2. Hey, the game is still in doubt at half. Moral victory.
  3. Get a bucket to end the half.
  4. Talley has a nice game going.....
  5. Tyrance with a couple fts!
  6. Indiana is scoring a point a minute so far. At this rate, we have a chance.....
  7. tcp, you watching this game?
  8. Good thing we got Vooch ready to go in.....
  9. Huskers tie it at 4.
  10. Well, they came out flat for the first 5 seconds....
  11. I don't think it's that big of deal. There's been alcohol at every game I've been to at the BDSC......
  12. Let me start this off by saying I fully expect the Huskers to get an ass whoopin' tonight. However, I do think the Hoosiers will come out flat after their big win Sunday at Ohio State. How long will that last? Maybe one minute, maybe ten, maybe a half. All I know is the Huskers have nothing to lose tonight so go out and play loose. You never know. That's why they play the games. Tonight is a night for moral victories. We're 24 point dogs. If we could keep the score within 15, that's a moral victory. If the outcome is in doubt at halftime, that's a moral victory. I'm not going to dream past that.... Let's hit 40% from the floor, 75% from the line and keep turnovers under 14. Do that, and I think most Husker fans can live with the results. Go Big Red!
  13. Hey, the last game in the BDSC and a chance to socialize with HHC brethren would be worth the drive. To sweeten the pot, if you show, I'll give you a jar of cipsalsa!
  14. Someone has got to be different..... Michigan State Penn State Wisconsin Nebraska
  15. I think Royalfan is right. Since it's the last game ever at the BDSC, and Scott will be in town and it's an 8 p.m. tipoff, it actually makes the most sense. People can start showing up anytime after 4. I talked with Barry's today and they'll reserve as many tables as we need. I just need to get an approximate head count, so if you're planning on being at this event March 6th, please just check in here. I know some have already said yes, so you don't need to do it again. When I was at Barry's today, one Doc Sadler walked through the doors. Didn't get a chance to say hi as I was meeting with staff.
  16. Engrave Vooch's name on a seat....
  17. Miles with "The Shining" reference for the Indiana game. This guy is a gem!
  18. Miles just threw Ubel under the Runza bus.
  19. I'm not a grammar freak, but more and more I hear stuff that makes me cringe. It's called the dumbing down of America....
  20. I liked what he said about foul trouble. People rarely foul out. When talking about Ubel and Almeida and fouls, he said Nebraska would go small before they went big, so Andre was kind of a sacrificial lamb...(or something to that extent).
  21. First topic discussed was the Harlem Shake.
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