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Everything posted by jayschool

  1. Tough break, literally, for Purdue. You build a team around a centerpiece, surround that centerpiece with other seniors and a couple of talented underclassmen, circle the calendar for March 2018, and then watch the centerpiece break an elbow. That's why any solace I may gain from Nebraska's potential with a senior-laden team next year is tempered by the unpredictability of athletics.
  2. So he's the Tim Miles/Pat Chambers of the MoVal.
  3. Seriously, though, wouldn't it have been a great PR stunt for Boeheim to have scheduled a practice at Syracuse HS yesterday morning, or at least a pep rally with the Orange visiting the town in Otoe County? Oh, wait. Boeheim's a misanthrope. Never mind.
  4. In contrast, Syracuse (this is the correct Syracuse, right?):
  5. Clearly the seventh year is the magic year.
  6. We need an Adidas bagman. What's the worst that could happen? We make a Sweet 16 run, have those awesome victories, and then have to vacate them? As long as this isn't a technology, I'm good with it.
  7. Something about chickens, counting and hatching goes here.
  8. Might be interesting to get them in the ACC Challenge next year, but we'd have to go to hell ... I mean, upstate New York.
  9. The moral of the story: KU grads just know more about basketball. @jimmykc At least that's what they say.
  10. Big XII with four teams in Sweet 16: KU defeated a 16 seed and an 8 seed, the most difficult matchups available to a No. 1 seed. Tech defeated a 14 and a 6, the most difficult matchups available to a No. 3 seed. K-State defeated an 8 seed and a 16. West Virginia defeated a 12 and a 13, but crushed them. That's some good work. ACC with four teams in Sweet 16: Duke defeated a 15 and a 7. Syracuse defeated an 11, a 6 and a 3. FSU defeated an 8 and a 1. Clemson defeated a 12 and a 4. That's even better work. SEC and B1G with two teams each. Big East, Mo Valley, West Coast and Mountain West each with one.
  11. Always a feel-good story when Syracuse wins, eh?
  12. Whitish and Cain = 4 points combined. Yet it's a tie game.
  13. Rebounds 19-6 ASU.
  14. They let up in the second half. Final 140-52. Saint Francis set record for 3-point attempts. Made 10 of 57.
  15. Nobody rebounding. 13-13
  16. Gotta stream. WatchESPN.com 11-11, btw
  17. Now up for me on Amazon Fire TV.
  18. WatchEspn not functioning at home. Crap.
  19. Up 94-31. At half. In the NCAA Tournament. Yikes.
  20. Man, I feel so bad for Texas.
  21. So add Marshall and Radford to the teams winning their first games in the NCAA Tournament. The list of have-nots dwindles every year.
  22. You talking about Connie Francis?
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