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Fred Zoidberg

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About Fred Zoidberg

  • Birthday January 16

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    Stinking Lincoln

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  1. About roster acquisition...Do you feel like we aren't competitive enough on the NIL front?
  2. I was as thinking the exact same thing!
  3. Does anyone have the gif from the Regular show with Rigby waking up Mordecai with the Nebraska fight song? I remember it from two years ago but I can't find it.
  4. In Deadwood, SD with the Degenerates!
  5. Yeah Norm they get to operate with impunity. That's not right! They should have to answer some questions after the game. It doesn't have to be televised or anything just a few questions from each teams beat reporter would be nice.
  6. There has to be accountability. I hope the administration pursues every avenue to have the officials held accountable I sure hope so. I know we will never hear anything about it but that second technical was an example of their incompetence.
  7. Yep. At least they are going both ways, but geez. I thought we'd avoid big 10 officiating in the tournament. So I have a question about the refs that officiate in this tournament. does the NCAA over see these clowns or do they just go on their merry way. No matter what happens we will never hear a word about it. That sucks. The coach and players have to face the music.
  8. That bench official did just bury his head and would not make eye contact with Miles. Did not blame the loss on officiating though. Good move.
  9. I agree. A foundation has been laid. Hopefully this will be a learning experience. They came out tight and when they finally got going they gave up easy dunks on the other end. And the officiating? Wow!
  10. I have to disagree. They are an upper seed in the NCAA tournament. They are one of the top thirty-two teams in the country. One of the top ten percent teams in the country. They are good, but for the fouls and terrible start, we can play with them. That tells me that our foundation is built. We need to build consistancey and bring in a couple more players...we are right there. Well you know more about them than I do but they sure didn't look that good today. But it was an ugly game controlled by the refs. I hope your right though because I will be rooting for them Sunday. IF the rajin' Cajuns fail today.
  11. What really sucks is Baylor isn't that good.
  12. The defense in this half is as bad as the offense in the first!
  13. Our core group is a bunch of sophomores playing like sophomores. Except for Sheilds. And our senior is once again absent.
  14. Agreed! And I had the Flyers in my bracket. But I also have Colorado
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