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Everything posted by colhusker

  1. lol I had forgotten about this.
  2. 66-42 nearing end of 3rd.
  3. I know the contest is over but this one came to mind this morning. Original Cover by Man in Black
  4. I need Green to decide to go off for about 40 in the next one.
  5. Thorir doing the work
  6. Was Doc coaching the offense in the second half? - that was tongue in cheek btw
  7. Was going to ask what the over/under was for opening the upper deck.
  8. And my Spartans won state on a fluke shot many years ago.
  9. Sounds like this is just more of that string of bad luck that has run uninterrupted for decades.
  10. Must have gone to Raising Canes
  11. Well at least since some of Danny Nee's very good teams. Not saying they won't be better, but there was a day we could score in bunches. And thanks for the update Noah, very much appreciated from someone who will not be able to see the team until the first game on TV.
  12. Norm I am glad you went with her in heels
  13. Double cover of Bob Dylan's Wagon Wheel - granted Old Crow finished the song.
  14. Didn't we lose to something call Maryland Eastern shore for left-handed pottery makers of south Latin America one year too?
  15. Would he be eligible to play given he hasn't danced at the bowling alley with Doc yet?
  16. Spot on busticket. LilCH was listed as 5'11 or 6'0 in the program for high school volleyball. In reality she is about 5'8
  17. Thanks for giving us the buzz on Buzzy
  18. I would take time off from work and make the 5 hour (closer to 6 with flooding) hour drive on a week night to see a game there.
  19. Good point
  20. I don't mind the bees buzzing around my head or the chicken pecking at my feet, but doesn't that damn calf have a mother?
  21. I'll keep an eye out for you.
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