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huskerbill85 last won the day on October 24 2021

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  1. It sucks man. Felt like we were 1 good WR away from pribably winning a few of those games in football and just feel like we're 1 player away with this team from being really really good.
  2. Oh he definitely threw some shots at the refs "i didn't know you could run on the sideline"
  3. They couldn't get him on due to weather back in Lincoln then had to put him on speaker phone lol. Entertaining atleast
  4. The poat game on radio with coach is a shit show lol
  5. Whered that guy go who said Nebraska isn't a bad team lol
  6. Nobody even moved on that possession lol
  7. We've gotten blown out several time this year and had to rally against some bad teams. Who do you think this team would beat in the tournament? You also make 6-5 seem like an amazing record. It isn't. We shouldn't be down 8 to this team
  8. At this point I don't even care if they make the tournament. This isn't a good team fellas
  9. The big crowd has effected nebraskas play
  10. Hard to see how this team wins a game in the tournament fellas
  11. Gents I'm going to watch the rest of this in bed nice checking in with everyone. Go Big Red!
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