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Handy Johnson

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Everything posted by Handy Johnson

  1. Correct, Indifference spells empty seats, & therein lies the REAL crux of the matter…
  2. Is this the Kennesaw that’s near Juniata & Prosser? If so I might take the Huskers & lay the points…
  3. I see Minnesota didn’t wet their pants when they played Michigan… (in Ann Arbor)
  4. We’re lucky it was on a neutral court.
  5. Good one, I saw the highlights played on another network & it looked like the Globetrotters vs. the Generals…
  6. We’ll, there WAS an NBA player on the Court today. He was wearing Orange, playing with a legit Big Man & a bevy of talented guards. Don’t be surprised if they’re cutting down the nets when it’s all said & done…
  7. Only 18 B1G games to go…
  8. Running an offense predicated on knocking down 3 point shots & then doing so at a dead last in the Nation clip is almost like running a “wide open” passing attack with a Quarterback that can’t throw…
  9. Assuming this means MORE Andre & maybe Uber hyped Keon Edwards might decide to join the fray…
  10. Until we get Football squared away (Post-Frost) Fred’s not going anywhere…
  11. That’s as “hard wired” into my DNA as Stan Cloudy & a Red/White & Blue NIT Basketball…
  12. If the Husker team we saw in Raleigh shows up Saturday, we could conceivably rattle off three straight wins & maybe talk ourselves off the ledge…
  13. You could easily say Missouri since NU has 2 4th place finishes in Bball & a Football Title game appearance. BUT the B1G thought it was getting the Nebraska “Brand” in Football people had come to expect for 40 years, not a last place program…
  14. Who’s been a BIGGER Face Plant (all sports) Missouri in the SEC or Nebraska in the B1G…???
  15. Convincing a Fan Base they’re seeing the most “talented roster” in both the Frost/Hoiberg era & yet somehow still manage to lose every game…
  16. I had an old GF that clerked for Alan Page on the MN State Supreme Court. After we broke up (aka she dumped me) she went on the become the Lead Counsel for Costco. Thanks for reminding me….
  17. I remember when the Call played in the Student Union… Tigers 88 - 60
  18. That’s got “Timberwolf” written ALL over it…
  19. My name is Elmer J. Fudd, I own a mansion & a yacht…
  20. Reminds me of AOPi “Hoop It” & we’re the Triangle House…
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