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Handy Johnson

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Everything posted by Handy Johnson

  1. Partied with him at the Old Cliff’s Lounge, the guy was a Rock Star ️ & this was when our Governor was shacked up with a for real Movie Star ️
  2. We blew out Oklahoma in Norman that year (‘99) & they went to the Tournament instead of us. Even with BIG XII POY V Hamilton. None of it makes any sense of course, but it brings to mind a truism that Billy Tubbs used to say RE: running up the score. “That’s NOT my problem, get BETTER”…!
  3. Yep, you described it exactly & I’ll be wearing mine at the Northwestern game. It was sponsored by & has the logo of LJS.
  4. What did he ever see in Julia Roberts?
  5. He brought out Donuts for the first few of us who’d slept overnight on the sidewalk to get Tickets in ‘86.
  6. I’m old enough to remember when North Dakota BEAT us (in Basketball Not Hockey)
  7. Our “Ceiling” is Still Out THERE…!
  8. Volleyball at the Zoo Bar (Come on Down) & KP on the iPhone with the earbuds.
  9. They used to play at the Eagles Club in Superior when I was a kid.
  10. We’re RIGHT back on the Beam…!!!
  11. Too soon, it still makes me think of last Wednesday night…
  12. Is this the game where we “Right the Ship” or do we get boat raced at Home then in Manhattan on our way to another Ho Hum season? I refuse to throw in the towel before Christmas but we need to bring an ATTITUDE onto that Court Sunday that I’m not sure we have.
  13. Listening to KFAN in Mpls today there “might” have been 3-4 thousand people there Tops.
  14. At least when Utah went to the Final Four with Majerus the Players were actually “Students”
  15. I might Start Gary & let Tominaga come off the Bench.
  16. After our undefeated start I was curious to see how we’d respond once we were “punched in the mouth” & the live bullets started to fly. Disappointing doesn’t even scratch the surface, & taking solace in the fact it’s a LONG season is a double edged sword.
  17. In recent weeks I’ve been in the stands for Maryland, Wisconsin & Iowa Football followed by Creighton Basketball. In the not too distant past last night’s defeat would’ve illicited numerous catcalls from friends in the Twin Cities. Now, not a *peep* such is the level of indifference regarding our program (and theirs) When will this Big Red Fever finally BREAK…
  18. What we do know for sure though is that their BEST player didn’t even play.
  19. Ranking the worst losses of the Hoiberg Era is a tall, tall order, but this one is officially in the running.
  20. I wish I wielded that kind of “Power” Cip we’d be undefeated every year. I’m for SURE optimistic about tonight, I just don’t want us to come out Flat.
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