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Everything posted by atskooc

  1. Tim Miles is the #1 trend on twitter!
  2. I thought we'd get curbstomped. Color me pleased to be wrong!
  3. Don't quite understand what you mean by situation like Biggs. The reason he isn't getting any offers isn't because of talent. It's because his grades aren't good and most schools need to see if he'll qualify. You mean like Biggs out of high school?
  4. I'm a happy dude right now! I want video of the locker room after the game!
  5. Just got home! Let's go, boys!
  6. I'll be out of the house for this one. Grrrrrrr.......
  7. This thread needs to be much longer before he starts to get many more offers!
  8. We've got one of those at my school.
  9. Will Michigan State be pissed?
  10. I seriously think NBA refs get fined for calling traveling. Are we getting to that point with NCAA refs?
  11. Just think what would happen if Miles would run Kansas' offense.
  12. I think part of it is his height. I think tall dudes struggle more than little dudes to get arch on their shot. Doesn't mean it's not fixable, but it's probably been something he's struggled with for a while.
  13. This may be the strangest posts of all posts on this board. Why?
  14. Coach Miles' tie: A. My wife was impressed, so I guess I should be as well.
  15. I thought it was awesome!
  16. Parker has had himself an evening as well.
  17. Need to keep making free throws. No reason not to extend the lead.
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