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Everything posted by trickey

  1. Another walk on as well. Lanasa, Josh F 6-6 215 Fr. Eden Prairie, Minn. (Edin Prairie)
  2. Makes sense to me since you know Erick wants to be here. I have always admired how Erick played. He spent nine years in the league. The major question for Miles to explore would be: Does Erick either have the current connections to successfully recruit and/or the personality to get his foot in the door with the ability to close some deals with major recruits? Erick was in Dallas, Boston, Milwaukee and Indiana long enough to perhaps give him opportunities to make some connections. However, being in the league is time consuming. Did he have the time/inclination to do this? His brief stints in NY and Vancouver probably did not yield much time to make good connections. If Erick is to be the one, at least we could be assured he wants to Stick around a while.
  3. Well, you have to make a pretty large assumption; but if the money were the same it would be a step up in the world. I am thinking: $ is pretty large in the university's equation. If it is just from the recruit's perspective, I would guess it would be much more attractive. (But hell, I am an old dinosaur. What do I know about kids these days, other than what I get from my grandkids?)
  4. Auroran, walk softly! I just learned Central just put out a hit on you.
  5. OK, here is an educated guess: Walter Dropo, 1950 rookie of the year, hard luck and long-time major leaguer?
  6. That is actually an interesting concept, except it would take an athlete that was not so nationally sellable. But it is a concept that has merit.
  7. Well, that will save all of us that wrote stupid stuff a lot of grief! Thanks to our Captain Kirk for taking us back in time!
  8. Sam Keller gets near $200,000 as a participant. Shocking that many players failed to file. http://www.campussports.net/college-athletes-compensation-eancaa-settlement/ Here is a quote on the general player participation rate and settlement: "There were 111,174 real football roster players and 21,309 real basketball roster players who matched virtual avatars in the video games. At a 25 percent claims rate, a player with a single avatar match would receive $1,893 per year and a roster appearance would grant $183 per year."
  9. The plan so far; right now; until something better comes along, according to the Lincoln Journal: In the meantime, Miles will put video coordinator Greg Eaton on the road for recruiting. Eaton, who Miles said is a “very good evaluator,” spent a weekend on the road in April, after Harriman left and before Burno was hired. “There are some timing elements that make this an awkward time,” Miles said. “I’m not sure what I’m going to do, quite frankly. It could be an external candidate, it could be an internal candidate. I think all things are going to be in play. “I’m not going to overreact, either. I’m not going to hire a Labrador retriever just because you know he’s going to lay at my feet.” But maybe he would stay.
  10. In poker, when you have a chip and a chair, you have a prayer. In recruiting, when you have Miles and a scholarship you still have a chance.
  11. So long as they don't hire some assistant from Kansas State to come in and slaughter us in the B1G title game. Erm, on the other hand, making it to the B1G title game would be kinda awesome even if we did lose to some Wisconsin team coached by a crew-cut asshole named Bret. Speaking of which: Has anyone ever actually known a guy named "Bret" that they liked? Me neither. (Surely none of you are Bretts.) When I was young, I sure liked Bret Maverick! url link...for you young ones.
  12. nm...I can't figure out this multi-quote thing! It was a fun thought....but, Never Mind.
  13. A recent decommit from ASU http://www.azcentral.com/story/sports/high-school/recruiting/2015/03/16/perry-guard-markus-howard-decommits-from-asu/24858029/
  14. Not exactly what I wanted to wake up to.
  15. Perhaps Terran and Korver will be future teammates.
  16. A sad note on draft day as David Rivers lost his father. https://twitter.com/Mosesabraham_12/status/614228635084562432 My thoughts and prayers go out to David.
  17. Watch Party in progress.
  18. For an update on the player that did not arrive "today"... Here are some words about the latest exploites of the Aussies: http://www.basketball.net.au/airbnb-emus-ready-fiba-u19-world-championship-challenge/
  19. I'm not shoving it aside, you know, like it don't mean anything. I know it's important, I do. I honestly do... But we're talking about practice man. What are we talking about? Practice? We're talking about practice, man. We're talking about practice. We're talking about practice. We ain't talking about the game. We're talking about practice, man.
  20. He's listed as #12 Jock Farmer was correct as it was not showing up earlier. I emailed Shamus McKnight and he fixed it. There JF, now everybody won't think your blind! It was a good catch. Keep posting.
  21. Three new numbers for old players. The first link is photos. The second link is this years new roster from the University. https://www.facebook.com/NebraskaBasketball/photos/pcb.822474761134407/822474401134443/?type=1&theater http://www.huskers.com/SportSelect.dbml?SPSID=23&SPID=24&DB_OEM_ID_COUNT_=2&DB_OEM_ID_1_=100&DB_OEM_ID=100&DB_OEM_ID_0_=100&Q_SEASON=2015
  22. An interesting new article on the tough upbringing of Burno is well worth the read: http://www.omaha.com/huskers/husker-assistant-rashon-burno-can-teach-hoops-life-lessons/article_aea715dc-a251-5f12-befc-4723a4b3f908.html
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