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Everything posted by FredsSlacks

  1. i don't see amir and brady having much of an impact against michigan state.
  2. it's crazy how close we are to being 15-2 and a top 10 team. we were beating minnesota and maryland for 80% of the games.
  3. easily our best win of the year so far... if we hang on.
  4. we set some really weak screens.
  5. please win. don't think i could handle another road loss collapse.
  6. borchardt too slow to be playing in this game. i think you have to leave roby out there. or go small and put nana in.
  7. this doesn't really effect basketball at all, but this would make college football even more flawed than it already is. the conferences are already unbalanced as it is. there's 5 power conferences yet only 4 teams make the playoff. makes no sense. and then you have teams like ucf and boise that go undefeated and don't even get a chance to play for a championship. what other sport can you go undefeated and not have a chance to play for a championship? not to mention notre dame who doesn't even have to play a conference championship game and gets an auto bid to the playoff. extremely flawed sport right now.
  8. palmer needs to have a better attitude when his shot isn't falling. this team needs him to be a leader.
  9. the no sub thing isn't that big of a deal to me. these guys are 21 and have 3 days of rest. they'll be fine. we are sitting at 12-4 which i think all of us would have taken at the start of the season. we're going to have plenty of chances to get a couple marquee wins. i'm a little concerned by a couple of the guy's body language. i think some of these guys are putting too much pressure on themselves and just need to have fun out there.
  10. i'm not going to overreact. maryland played about as well as they possibly could and only won by 2 at home. we were 8-8 at one point in 2014 when we made the tournament. we're 11-3 right now.
  11. he's back but can't make a free throw.
  12. just came here to say seth davis is a moron. completely crapped on roby in the first half, and now he is dominating.
  13. didn't feel like making a new topic to ask this... does the southwest minnesota st game coming up count as a win? or is it just an exhibition?
  14. some bad calls, but ultimately that was a meltdown. palmer and roby better start knocking down some 3s, or we're going to lose a lot of games. both guys hovering around 20% for the season after tonight.
  15. how do 3 refs miss such a blatant interference?
  16. kinda wish we weren't ranked yet. given our history against creighton this ranking feels a bit premature. we need to get that monkey off our back. i'm sure it helps recruiting to be ranked, but we saw how much it matters to be ranked in December in 2015.
  17. well i'd be surprised if he stays at marquette if he only gets 10 min per game.
  18. i was only half joking though. copeland/tanner will be gone. ed would most likely start unless brady makes a huge leap next year. even if brady started ed would still probably play over 20 min per game.
  19. Ed should grad transfer back to nebraska next year. we can give him more than 10 minutes per game.
  20. didn't realize he would be this good of a shooter from day 1. we definitely missed out. i'm still an amir fan though. he's got length and athleticism that you can't teach. if he puts in the work, he'll be very good down the road.
  21. very good win. i think we're going to have to be a little more efficient from the 3 point line if we want to be a truly great team though. roby was more aggressive today, but unfortunately had his minutes reduced from foul trouble. nana has been huge for us off the bench. we really don't drop off when he's in the game. palmer bounced back from his slump which was greatly needed tonight. watson wasn't great, but made some timely shots. copeland's been our most consistent player. another solid game. allen has played his role well. big time shot tonight.
  22. i see. espn said 1-8 yesterday, but i guess that was an error. he's definitely not shooting enough. he's taking fewer shots per game than both nana and allen.
  23. after today's game, roby's shooting 14% from 3 and palmer is shooting 17% from 3. i know it's early, but definitely something to keep an eye on. these next 5 games are going to be interesting.
  24. he definitely won't if he keeps taking 5 shots per game. there's maybe 5 centers in the country who could actually guard him. either miles is telling him not to shoot or roby has a serious confidence issue. both Nana and Allen are taking more shots per game than roby. at some point roby has to be selfish and takeover on offense. he has the ability and we've seen it. why he's not doing it i have no idea.
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