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Everything posted by cornfed24-7

  1. Man 16 team would awesome. I too miss Big 8 basketball. Watching Phillips 66 Big 8 basketball on Saturdays. I would welcome any team from the old Big 8 in this tournament. In my view the more the merrier. And then tell Crieghton they're not welcome in our tournament
  2. But what if you set them up on the other side of the bracket? If we make it through our side and get to meet them in the final that would be pretty sweet no? Anyone have a clue about how many teams we think this might be?
  3. No I am not debating it. But you are putting the cart before the horse. Creating an argument about how its unfair "if"...We haven't sniffed "if" in forever. Sure, when/if we get to the point your argument matters I'll scream from the rooftops with you. Until then it sounds like whining.
  4. When were we last even close to winning a division? It has nothing to do with the schedule.
  5. This! And right after a cycle of negative press. Way to flip the script.
  6. Yeah it sounds like whining to me. Time to prove what kind of a team you are. Hell, we can't even beat the teams in the West most years. I actually think its a good thing to start with OSU. You want to be a championship team? Here you go. You're playing one first game. Thats how good you need to be.
  7. 175 to 205. I had a double whammy of quarantine and sympathy weight for a pregnant wife. I stood no chance. I like to think we did our part in helping local resturants stay in business via grubhub, ubereats, and postmates. I have got back down to 192 from my endless rides to nowhere on the peloton
  8. They're for sale for $180 on Adidas.com Man I LOVE these, but I just can't justify that much money for athletic shoes
  9. And that tool Lunardi will still be rambling on how our record doesn't stack up and we don't deserve to get in
  10. Good god man! This is what I mean. Yay though another glimmer we may see a "full" b-ball season.
  11. https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/03/health/penn-state-big-10-myocarditis-covid-spt-trnd/index.html Man...Everytime It seems like there's a glimmer of hope an article like this comes out. Regardless of peoples thoughts if its right or wrong I think we can all agree the Big 10 is taking the most risk-averse position on the start of sports seasons. And when I see this I start to think the worst as it pertains to me seeing my Huskers play some basketball
  12. Sorry man. I would be devastated. I hope you feel better.
  13. Still can't say what you want on the topic big man.
  14. Could you be more passive aggressive? Say what you're gonna say man.
  15. These are corona times! Think out side the box. Doane! UNK! Wesleyan! The battle for Lincoln
  16. Another aspect I will watch over the years that follow this whole mess is the trajectory of the salaries of coaches. Football and basketball. My guess is we've seen the highest average salary for power 5 coaches for about 10 years. Give or take a few years.
  17. I like your ideas. Your thoughts got me thinking. Now I know the conference doesn't break up nicely into four groups, but I think that's they way you do this and I am gonna tell you why . Four bubbles gives you more control when an outbreak happens. So instead of disrupting seven teams if a team pops positive you only disrupt three or four teams. This would allow for more games to be played amongst the other teams while the positive bubble of teams are quarentined for whatever length their guidelines are at the time. Then the bubbles switch up. Do this over six to eight weeks making it a three day tournament every two to three weeks. Quarantining bubbles as you go as they pop positive. Have a weekend set aside at the end for any makeup games to be played and have it as a tournament(s) at the end. Then the Big Ten Tournament. Simple right?!?
  18. You're giving them too much credit. I think this counts as another failed test. Just like a test positive for THC is a failed drug test. So they're still O-fer
  19. A win is a win is a win is a win. Don't care how we get that monkey off our back.
  20. I am not one that knows much about fashion, but is my man wearing a sports bra?
  21. It was a dagger right to the heart.
  22. But towards the last half of the season they will become serviceable. I like your shot. Just needed to add a bit. If I have faith in anything in this world its Doc ability to teach some defence.
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