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Everything posted by cornfed24-7

  1. You're not and they did. Every chance they could as a matter of fact. Them and the d-bag Lunardi.
  2. Totally. Also it was beautiful basketball to watch. They got the best players. The players stayed 3-5 years. I miss that era of basketball.
  3. To be fair to the Kansas Jayhawk jayskers they manifested at a time when not every basketball game in every conference was televised. Hell I can guarantee besides the Huskers they're the team I've seen the most. They were always on TV when I was growing up and if you wanted to watch basketball you had to watch someone. Because the odds the Huskers games weren't televised were pretty high.
  4. Don't worry they can get some too. F¥€k the Kansas Jayhawk jayskers
  5. I agree with all of this, but I also would like to add to it. I think there's something that adds to this sentiment. Let's stick with the SEC. Is any fan of Georgia football rooting for Georgia Tech basketball? Or Alabama and Auburn respectively? Few if any. So I think because of the dynamic of Nebraska football/Creighton basketball fans in this state it kind of amplifies the negativity historically, surrounding Nebraska basket real or perceived. Also...F¥€k jayskers!
  6. I'm a Nurse, married to a Lawyer, with a Toddler. My whole life is arguing
  7. No worries man. I don't think your opinion is wrong. I'm just pointing out there is a clear distinction between extreme frustration vs disdain. Hey man I get in my arguing moods too. Have at it. You're in the right place
  8. Not at all. Not even close. If a person isn't doing something properly repeatedly that you know the are capable of that can lead to extreme frustration. But to make the jump that they don't deserve respect or ones consideration is quite a jump. My Toddler repeatedly tries to extend his bed time every damn night. Leads to extreme frustration for me. Do I have disdain for my toddler. No. And that's why words matter regardless how we "feel" what they mean
  9. dis·dain noun the feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one's consideration or respect; contempt. verb consider to be unworthy of one's consideration. Much more negative connotation with disdain.
  10. I can see your side too. Mine was never disdain though. Just extreme frustration. I do agree with you that next year he's gonna be the DUDE
  11. I actually think they don't have every excuse in the book this season. Really only have very few left. And with each win we cross another one off their list. Here soon they will have no list left.
  12. Or on some Inception level stuff the AI we create in our computer simulation existence exposes the AI that controls our computer simulation existence.
  13. Some of it was deserved. But I think most of it was derived from you can see how talented he could be. His decision making has gotten immensely better. But like last game. Has a 1 v 2 and pulls it out. You think he's gonna set it up the offense, instead he goes 1 v 3. He's as an important piece to this puzzle as any other.
  14. Just get that 1st one then we're playing with house money baby!
  15. You called it. Bravo Sir. Bravo.
  16. He's starting to look like second half of last year Lawrence.
  17. Somehow Nebraska made this 15 pt win feel like a 1 pt victory that the other team missed a wide open last second lay-up. On to the next.
  18. We have totally been in our own heads on the road.
  19. I planned on having a beer or two...I'm on #5
  21. Feels like more than 7 3's for Allick for some reason.
  22. We've shown we can get a 20pt lead in a half. Anything less than a 40pt win and it's apparent these guys didn't give it their all.
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