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Everything posted by tcp

  1. The Wreck of the Andre Almeida..... Oh my.....the possibilities..... The legend lives on from the Amazon on down of the big guy that Kent called El Grande Twice as big as a tree, with a vertical of three whopping inches, he was often called Andre etc etc etc...
  2. alright, back to sleep. this is unholy.
  3. I think I made it worse when I woke up
  4. Take some Nyquil first. nyquil and what I usually take would probably induce a coma.... it already induced a nap during a game.
  5. wow, i just woke up from a nap and didn't expect to see us 21 down at half. yikes. maybe I should go back to sleep?
  6. thanks for the torture, jayhawk... was a great game.
  7. When I was working as a gate guard in grad school, one "shack" I worked in got hit twice in the same month with me in it. Twas at a country club here in Denver. Both miscreants had nothing in common, except for the most evil device known to person: the cell phone. I truly hate that device with a burning passion.
  8. sure! lemme just grab my Lederhosen of Doom real quick.....j/k Ladyhusker. No lawyers, please...
  9. Well, then let's leave it up to the students. If the majority of students say they'll "feel like children", then go ahead and ban sales. I have a feeling most college students won't feel they're being robbed of their experience. Sounds good.
  10. I realize that's generally what it feels like, but if it was an S&M board, I'd expect different pictures. And different videos, actually. If you play those videos backwards.....
  11. I don't think it's good to have any booze at college games where the bulk of the students can't legally drink. it's just one more confiscation from what should be their experience, first and foremost. if they lowered the age to 18, I'd probably support it. But at 21, it's not fair to the students. They'll be made to feel like children at their own events.
  12. yay, shavon!!! always a good sign when you rack up a few of those in this league. and there's some pretty good freshmen out there.
  13. You mean all this time we've been talking about basketball? Oh, that's embarrassing. I thought it was an S&M board.
  14. What the heck. Upset special of the year for fun. NU-53 Badgers-50
  15. I went with this as well. Mostly because it's what I want to happen.
  16. It would be a fitting send-off for hoops in BDSC. And, t'would be glorious to beat a Tubby, to boot. If we finish the season beating poor Tubby, he might be out of a job. Of course, he might be anyway, given the spiral of doom Minny's doing, but that would probably be the icing on the Tubby-cake.
  17. Creighton in Doc's first season was close. I don't think we were ever down by 21, though. were we down that much at half? wow.
  18. whatever MIles broke during halftime, it worked.
  19. yes!!!!!!!!!!! holy poop, didn't think we'd ever do that! that's gotta be up there in comeback wins.
  20. would be so nice to help knock Iowa out of the tourney.
  21. one free throw and win number 4!!!!!!
  22. get the best shot regardless. job is to score.
  23. no moral victories. get the doggone win!
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