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Everything posted by hskr4life

  1. MSU over Minny at home by 10.
  2. Please oh please oh please oh please oh please
  3. Technically this is just for Q1 games. Since we’ll be @UMD, that’s a Q2… so I like our chances. lol!
  4. Boo Buie is one of the top players in the nation in PPG against Q1 opponents (that’s us Saturday). He averages just over 19 a game against Q1 opponents.
  5. No official word. Speculation is yes.
  6. I’ve only seen the “cylinder” rule called in “trap” situations and it’s always iffy if it ever gets called. Terrible rule, too hard to officiate, and only called 50% of the time or less.
  7. For as rough as we’ve looked at times this year… boy oh boy is it nice to be sitting 5-2 and sitting pretty strongly in 4th place.
  8. That’s nuts! They’re holding open tryouts for the remainder of the season today or tomorrow!
  9. The only thing I can try to justify it with is that we need Wilcher and Sam’s scoring off the bench. We already have Brice, Keisei, Mast all as scoring options in that first group. It’s flabbergasting thought. Lawns definitely having himself a sophomore slump of epic proportions.
  10. I too believe it was a foul. I think the player, touching him or not, impeded his ability to land safely by jumping into his landing zone. However, I think majority of times, that’s going uncalled. I was just saying that the Rutgers board was very critical of KT, said he flopped a lot, and didn’t appreciate the shush sign. My comment didn’t really have anything to do with this no call.
  11. Let’s just say that KT was called quite the number of names in the Rutgers game thread. Safe to say he didn’t make many friends yesterday.
  12. We’ll face one of the best players PPG wise against Q1 competition on Saturday. Boo Buie averages 19.3 PPG against Q1 opponents.
  13. Rutgers also took a NET drop for beating us…
  14. Suckage continues this morning. That NET is nasty and presents an up hill climb. 3-3, 0-2, 3-0, 7-0 are the quad records as of today. KenPom- 51 Trank- 49 Hasla- 46 NET- 58 (Rutgers dropped too?!?)
  15. Heavy Breathing…. Do I need to create an instagram? Twitter speculation is an Achilles….
  16. While true-- lost a Big 10 game on the road isn't the end of the world... we've lost ALL of them so far. In the 4 Big 10 road losses we've gotten blown out twice and lost two where we've held a double digit lead. We've squandered so many opportunities on the road already and our road games are only going to get harder as we move forward.
  17. We are firmly on the outside looking in right now. We've got to find a way to win these next two at home because I don't know how many we'll end up getting on the road. Losing Gary for an extended period of time might be a nail in the coffin type of scenario for this team. We're two 10+ point leads on the road ending in losses from 15-3 and projecting as a Top 7 seed. Unfortunate... but good teams win the close games. I honestly could see the train derailing a little bit here. We haven't faced multiple losses in a row this entire year and... as we just witnessed... don't deal with adversity very well.
  18. Great movie. Duff is still a A+ after all these years.
  19. Oh don't get me wrong... Not being able to finish on the road is just as bad. Losses are losses. I just disagree that we can't play on the road. We can... we just shell up and don't finish.
  20. IDK how true this is though. We beat KSU in Manhattan and have held leads against both Minny and Rutgers. We just can't finish. It's not like we "can't" play on the road... it's more that we can't finish on the road.
  21. While true-- they'll get a nice bump from this win and any win they can get the rest of they way. They'll have to rack up quite a few losses to get towards Q3 territory on the road.
  22. Good thing that was a Q2.... still... this team has a LOT of work left to do.
  23. Train derailment? Northwestern 79 Huskers 73
  24. Anyone know any good NIT-ology sites?
  25. LOL-- what is going on here.
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