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Everything posted by cipsucks

  1. I know this one thing for sure: corona and virus will not be a part of the team.
  2. Four sticks for you, for creativity and optimism! PM me your vitals.
  3. Just watch: the 13th and 14th seeded teams will both win a game in the B1G Tourney, where the 4th seed pooped their pants. Welcome to Husker Basketball.
  4. What a cluster. I tried to make a simple one word edit, and the whole thing blows up. Much like this season.... Okay, it's time for another Cip contest. This time a 12 pack of Nebraska Star Beef sticks is riding on it. Pick the newcomer and what stage in the game he first appears (e.g. Vedral 8 minutes gone in the second half, or, for you eternal optimists, Banks three minutes into the first half of Game 2). If neither gets to play, the contest is over. No way to break that tie. Regardless of where you live, you can play. I'll ship the sticks to you. Good luck and GBR! And, I want to thank everyone for your well wishes and prayers for Seth. You all are family to me and I mean it!
  5. On the golf course, I normally get a stroke a hole...
  6. Today's Rosie did you knowsie: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/960-jim-rose-28634386/episode/the-future-of-nebrasketball-58796571/
  7. Thanks, papa. I know all of those prayers have been heard. Here's what I do know: God is not a respecter of men. If he can heal my son, He'll heal anyone who asks Him. So, I'm in agreement with anyone who asks for healing. Let's get it done!
  8. This thread isn't about Nebraska Basketball, but, maybe there are some parallels. I want to give an update on my son Seth's health. For you new to the board, he has a condition called MDS--basically it's a form of leukemia. His body has an inability to produce red blood cells. This disease normally attacks the body's ability to produce white cells, but not in Seth's case. He's an anomaly there. Let me cut to the chase: A new drug was approved for the treatment of MDS and Seth has been on it for the last 9 weeks. We didn't know if insurance would cover the cost ---$2000 or more a month. They did. Since his last transfusion two weeks ago, his red blood cell count has actually risen. That's never happened in the last seven years! Thanks for all your support and prayers! As for Nebraska Basketball? They'll be fine. The mountain of low performance is a one year deal. I can't wait for next year, and the rest of the years in the Hoiberg tenure!
  9. Not sure how this translates into wins the rest of this season, but I sense a transformation in the attitude of this team. They're developing this "Rocky" attitude. Now, they need to take off the boxing gloves when they're shooting at the rim....
  10. Yesterday was also Smokey's 80th birthday.
  11. Don't know why, but I have a really good feeling about the Huskers tonight. They not only cover, but a W is very much in the cards. Happy Birthday yesterday to Lou Christie. GBR!
  12. Seger is one of the rare acts where he sounds better live than in studio, and he is awesome in studio!
  13. This game goes overtime. And we win. I love whiskey/Nyquil! Seriously, we win!
  14. Livers and onions. One of my favorites.....
  15. None of us know when our time is up. We just need to live each day like it will be our last. Love more, help more, listen more, forgive more. Be more tolerant of the douche bags from the east. ;)
  16. 36 all. Here comes the sun, do ta do do...
  17. Huskers cover and have a chance to win with 2 minutes to go in the game. GBR!
  18. This program hasn't won an outright regular season conference championship in over 100 years. Maybe a 20 loss season or two would have helped this program over the last century. Baylor went 0-17 in the 1944-45 season. The next year they went 25-5 and made it to a regional semifinal. The HUH (Huskers Under Hoiberg) will be just fine.
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