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Everything posted by Ashfan

  1. It's amazing how the imposing of consequences for improper conduct has become cancel culture.
  2. The jump-stop and shot is an anathema in Hoiberg's offense. He uses metrics that say either take it to the rim or shoot the 3. I know that last year it was hammered into the guys to take it all the way to the rim and not pull up for the 6-8 footer and I assume that's the same this year.
  3. I was one of her followers until she got that restraining order.
  4. Gonna be there wearing both Duke and NU gear. But I will be cheering for NU to win.
  5. Great news. I think that if he stays with this long term he will end up being one of the best.
  6. The cool ability? So he's the Iceland iceman.
  7. Doane was definitely Crossed up.
  8. My strategy in talking to hot women.
  9. SIAP, but just saw this.
  10. I recall reading in one of my books that in America an average of 2 anti-cyclonic tornados are reported each year. So a single storm producing multiple anti-cyclonic tornados is unusual. Oh and atskooc. Rereading my reply to you and I realize I came across as more than a bit of a dick. Sorry. but Wikipedia is a trigger word to me. I just want to make clear I never claimed that investigation established a 5 mile wide tornado. Fujita may have gone back to California or Japan (I don't recall where he was at the time), examined the aerial photos more closely, and said "nope, straight line wind damage". And because straight line wind damage wasn't cool, the story disappeared.
  11. If you are dealing with Wikipedia as an authority on anything, then I can't help you. There are Wikipedia articles that cover events I was involved with or subjects I know enough about to have written chapters in books that are not even in the same zip code as accurate reporting. Also, the NWS doesn't, to my knowledge, report possibilities that haven't been confirmed. Evidence of a tornado is not included in the NWS official stats even if they conclude they don't have evidence to make a decision either way. The reports of tornados wider than the 2.6 mile wide OK tornado are anecdotal reports that the NWS may mention in their initial investigative reports, such as "observers estimated the wedge to be three miles wide, but verifiable evidence puts it at no greater than 1.8 miles wide" but that's all I have ever seen. And as I said, it may be that later investigation concluded that it was straight-line wind damage or a series of tornados that happened to run abreast at different times. I have not seen that reported. I only mentioned the 5 mile wide tornado as one of the several things that brought the Fujita to GI, along with the reports of multiple anti-cyclonic tornados which is very rare, and the almost unprecedented height of the storm cell.
  12. Nope. Mr. Fujita rarely went out in the field at that time, sending his teams out instead. One of the reasons that Fujita actually visited GI was the destruction evidence of the 5 mile wide tornado. It wasn't officially confirmed as 5 miles wide, that's why I said evidence. Interestingly, for several years the widest tornado ever officially confirmed was the one that blasted Hallam, NE at 2.5 miles wide. However, that width was later surpassed by a tornado in, IIRC, OK that was officially determined to be 2.6 miles wide. But there are unofficial reports with destruction evidence of a number of tornados between 3 and 4 miles wide. The evidence of the one outside GI at 5 miles is the widest unofficial one that I know of.
  13. I don't remember the specifics, but I recall that the clouds over GI were almost unique in their height, going up to over 70,000 feet or something like that. That was the reason I was able to see the tops of them and all the weird lightning when I was sitting on a high ridge some 100 miles away.
  14. Thanks. The exact number I couldn't remember. But I know that people who were actually there and watching what was happening from their yards or, in the case of my ex-girlfriend, from a very open area around a school, are emphatic that there were considerably more than the official count. Of course, some of what they thought were tornados may have actually been funnels that never touched down. But the NWS has to be pretty sure that there was a tornado before they will call it one officially. I know that a number of years ago I followed 3 separate tornados near Giltner. I called 911 and reported where the 3 were. The NWS officially decided that there was only 1. Edit. Upon thinking about it, I'm pretty sure my Giltner citing was just 2 tornados. The 3 was farther north on a different occasion. But still even though I reported 2 on the ground and not sisters, the NWS official says there was only 1.
  15. No. I remember that there was a great deal of discussion about it at the time regarding the amount of damage a 5 mile wide EF-4 or 5 could have done to GI if it had touched 20 miles or whatever it was to the east, even if it only stayed on the ground for a little over a mile. In one of the newspapers (probably the GI paper) there was even a small map showing what would have been destroyed if that tornado had touched down at the GI city limits and moved east into GI for a mile and a quarter.
  16. Being a weather nerd I kept up on the information that came out when Fujita was in GI. I haven't seen anything else on the big one since then. I have noticed that the Wikipedia article on the GI tornados contradicts much of the info that came out from Fujita. It's possible that more information has come to light since then, making the Wikipedia article the most accurate source of info, but I tend to think that the information Fujita and his team released a month or so after the outbreak would be the most accurate.
  17. I still remember sitting out on my mother's deck in east Lincoln that night. The storm over Grand Island was so high that I could see the lightning in it some 100 miles away. I have chased storms for decades, but that was only the second time I have seen lightning that was stop light red. KFMQ was playing a Doors retrospective so I was listening to Jim Morrison singing "this is the end" as I watched the storms. A surreal moment. The storm in GI was so unusual that Tetsuya (sp) Fujita, of the Fujita scale, made a trip to GI to examine the aftermath in person. Although the official total of tornados was, IIRC, 4 or 5, there was evidence that there were a lot more, both in GI and nearby, including 2 anti-tornados. The brother of a former girlfriend came out of the bank where he worked and saw 2 tornados on the ground north of him. Then he went around to the west side of the building and saw 3 more that he couldn't tell if they were on the ground or funnels. At that point he went back inside the bank. As badly as it was hit, GI got lucky in a way as there was debris evidence of an EF-4 or 5 on the ground some 20 miles west of GI that was 5 MILES wide and that stayed on the ground for 1 and 1/4 miles.
  18. I knew that I had truly returned to Nebraska when I heard the sirens go off. Unfortunately, because of knee surgery I couldn't go out chasing but still managed to see some cool clouds from my deck. That is, until the straight line winds started whipping the trees around and I decided to join my dogs in the basement.
  19. I forgot about this one. Back in the early 80's I played a lot of pick up ball on the courts at 40th and South Streets, by the golf course. A lot of football players played there. One day I got stuck as the 1 in a 3 on 1. The guy in the middle with the ball was back up QB Nate Mason. On my left was Turner Gill. The guy on the right was some schlub like me. I decided that if I forced Mason to give up the ball he'd almost certainly pass it to Gill. So I jab stepped toward Mason and then broke toward Gill. Sure enough, Mason picked up his dribble and threw it to Gill. Unfortunately, Gill cut in hard and we collided full tilt. Now this was the summer after he had the leg injury which caused some nerve damage and people were still hoping he'd come back 100%. I stood up, rubbing my arm where I'd scraped some skin off and then looked down at Gill. He was rolling around on the court, holding his leg. I swear that I started planning my escape route from Nebraska on the back roads, thinking I had reinjured Gill's bad leg. It turned out that he had just tweaked the ankle on his other leg, but for a few seconds I thought I was doomed. Bartman before Bartman. Oh and Mason had a temper. Not dangerous, just ultra-highly competitive. One game I was particularly hot from the outside and Mason was again on the other team. He eventually grabbed the guy guarding me, threw him over toward his guy and started guarding me. The next time we had the ball I faked a shot from about 20 feet and Mason jumped up. As he passed over me I ducked down and shot the ball from a crazy angle under his arm. Swish. He went bat-shit crazy. I just gave him the look like "dude, you can't stop me." Yeah, I was being a jerk, but I couldn't help it. Oh, and pretty much any other time he could have stopped me dead cold.
  20. Was a good friend of the late Curt Hedberg and so played with most of the players on the team at that time, in the mid 70's. My favorite memory is when I was playing in a pick up game with Andre Smith on the other team. He went up for a defensive rebound and was looking down the court as he grabbed the ball. I went up on his other side, flicked the ball out of his hands with my right hand and put the ball in the basket with my left. All of the kids waiting to play were laughing and hooting (I'm 5'8"). Smith spun and glared at me. I thought "oh shit". Then he nodded and said "nice play, little man". Like others here I played against a lot of football players too. In one game I was guarding a DB named Sammy something. He was quick as hell and I was focusing on him entirely. No one called out the pick that was set. And it was set by Dave Rimington. I hit him going full speed and at an odd angle. I managed to make it to the end of the game but after it ended I walked out one of the side doors in the old Coliseum and threw up. I think my spleen is still somewhere around my left ankle. Oh, and the back up QB Mark Mauer was the biggest douche I played against. Any time you called a foul on him he'd ask if you wanted to go outside to fight and if he missed a shot, you fouled him, even if you had fallen down and were four feet from him. I also played with a lot of good players when I was at Duke, like Bob Bender, Jim Spanarkel and some from other schools like UNC and NC State.
  21. I was going to go with the sarcastic post and say something like "I'm disappointed. I wanted a defensive-minded coach." But I can't do that after TCP and I'm not sure I could even type that with a straight face. And yes, I am amazed AND ecstatic.
  22. I didn't know that either. Hopefully it comes up in trivia somewhere, because at my age I know that fact crowded out another one in my brain.
  23. Freddie and the Dreamers was very odd band.
  24. This actually led to a lawsuit, which properly was quickly dismissed. In password the word was "deer". Tom Selleck gave the clue "doe". The contestant replied "knob". Selleck couldn't stop laughing and the contestant was so "humiliated" by Selleck's reaction that she filed the lawsuit.
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