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lanigan123 last won the day on June 7 2015

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  1. Only the right hire if he brings along a good staff, we need to make sure we support the team with $$
  2. Just guessing but Lon Krueger? Bruce Weber, possibly Mike Brey... it cant be Crean as he hasn’t taken Georgia to a sweet 16.
  3. Bill’s statement was a joke, but I don’t think he is the one making this decision anyway. He has options to fly private, it isn’t ungodly expensive. My wife and I charter when need be, and the window required to arrange for travel is small. The the new FAA max shut down has put a strain on air travel, but Moos or admin has zero excuses. Getting ahold of American Airlines last night took a 45+ minute wait. Now, the Fred rumors, my source has been very quiet for the last month, BUT my source was/is someone who is friends with an agent who would have or be involved with the negotiation. He is the one who told me Fred would rather be in a NBA front office than coach in college.
  4. Biggest issue is in game coaching. However, retention is big because of the types of guys he loses. He isn’t losing guys because they aren’t getting good minutes, White, Jacobsen, Morrow....
  5. Agree completely... like results with much better administration support like the practice facility and arena as well as a much larger salary pool for assistants.
  6. IMO, and from the people I speak too, Hoiberg is still not an option.
  7. IMO, I want a coach who can win on the dry erase board during a game and develop guys, then I want to give him a bucket of cash to hire assistants with A+ recruiting acumen. Would i gauge Lue’s interest, sure, but I feel the same about him as I do Hoiberg. I think he’s NBA bound. The list of possible coaches should be long.
  8. Yes, good reasons. Moos, IMO is more temporary than long term, and the “issues”. Hence while Miles indicated if he were to be fired it may not be from Moos.
  9. If you are paying 4 million, you have to consider Will Wade. Also, when you give enough for buildings to have your name, you don’t have to bite your tongue. All fans are entitled to an opinion. I really liked Doc, I think he always fought uphill battle with staff $ and facilities.
  10. I’m not so certain I look at the roster and potential roster and see a 20 win team.... is it a given Roby returns? Who else transfers or leaves. Honestly, it shouldn’t feel like in year 7 you need another 5. I’m yesr 7 you’d hope when someone goes down you have enough guys in the program to fill the role. Just not where I’d hope to be in year 7.
  11. @hhcmatt lol. His post was about my source saying he’d rather be front office than college coach. Of course, most talk to reporters on record is to cast a large net so you have. A large market. Anyway.
  12. I think a lot of this, and everything that’s been publicly said is for leverage, by either party. Their are people who will speak off the record. I’m not so certain making the dance would save him. Ive heard it would take a tourney win, that was pre Copeland injury. Not so certain that changed.
  13. Goodman was on the Podcast (Parrish) I believe with Norlander. I wish Tim all the best. I hope he gets on and wins one no matter what one that is.
  14. My source is good friends of someone who would be negotiating the deal. Fred would prefer an NBA front office job to coaching in college again.
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