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Everything posted by KearneyMan

  1. Sorry to be a Debby Downer but we won't make the tournament!!
  2. We stink!!!!!?
  3. Borchardt is not an inside presence. And Jordy took a few steps backwards this past season!! Roby can't do it all!!
  4. Yet another guard!!!! Where's the big men???
  5. So he identified, big deal. He has to rope them and corral them into the Husker program!!
  6. I'm afraid our new next assistant is going to be a ZERO. He'll probably be assistant from the college of who knows where.
  7. Clowns are freaky, get that off my topic line!!
  8. Ok guys, do you think Coach Miles should call Pitino with an offer?
  9. Don't congratulate the traitor!!!
  10. No our presidency is a "whore-able program" LOL
  11. I deserve a lot of "up" votes. Especially when I give such good, witty re-par-te!!
  12. I'll be a "ray of sunshine" if Miles gets a couple bigs that are good!!
  13. So it opens another scholie (big deal). We won't fill them all anyway. WE NEED BIGS!!! Sorry guys Jordy is not that good, took too many steps backwards
  14. Oh what a cute movie that was!!!
  15. If she can play basketball in high-heels, then she is the best recruit in the nation!!!
  16. Hey, its sad to say we may have to make deals just to get to the big dance and a win there too
  17. This is to all you guys that want Miles gone. Do we go after Rick Pitino?
  18. This is for all you guys that want Frost. What do we do if Frost says no? In other words what is the back up plan?
  19. Oh and by the way I'AM NOT A HAWKEYE FAN!!!! Although I did root for Creighton when they played Northwestern!! '
  20. If Delaware fans want to wish injury to Kate Cain, that is their right. Just like I have right to wish injury on decommits for Huskers
  21. You people should be blaming the person that started this subject. I repeat "she is not a husker don't talk about her here." When you post on someone WHO IS NOT A HUSKER, you are going to get my opinion.
  22. Serves her right for not sticking with the HUSKERS
  23. So sad LOL
  24. I'm not going out to see it cause we all know what's going to happen. That very moment you go out and look up is the exact moment the crazy from North Korea is going to nuke us!!!
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