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Everything posted by colhusker

  1. Been a good day lots of minutes for all
  2. This way only 4 subs now?
  3. Merry Christmas to you all
  4. I would say the number of offensive rebounds given up could be a negative.
  5. Sounds great outside the second part. We had that 20 years ago
  6. Dang it Norm, I swear this was my answer. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  7. As a matter of fact, going to have a long talk with my nephew who plays at Kearney right now about this when home again.
  8. Damn Bugeaters that is like Nebraska losing to Crayton.
  9. Well I guess anything is possible
  10. Damn it Norm, it's Thesaurus time again
  11. I may have to rethink my post of the week award to Norm after this.
  12. Mono e mono (aka NU) 89 The fighting Kevin Costners 64
  13. Thanks Red Don, I use the ESPN ones during the game but it is nice to see the final stats in the end.
  14. Thanks for the down vote for commenting on the crowd leaving. Sorry I got your undies in a bunch for a tongue in cheek comment that was commented about earlier in the thread.
  15. Crowd is filing out, made it to under 2
  16. Had 8 early and only 3 since
  17. For those listening did Kent say what their coaches technical was for?
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