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Everything posted by colhusker

  1. Based on what I've read here and elsewhere, this seems to be true of a lot of kids we've recruited.
  2. No and it just goes to show how little basketball history we have. Heck the fact that Akron has more wins than Nebraska tells you how little we have had to cheer about. I cringed when someone compared the program to the Cubs, but dang it may have been spot on.
  3. Now Florida State is choking a 22 point lead away Edit - and right on cue FSU goes on about a 15-2 run to stretch lead back out to 20
  4. THAT is impressive
  5. You know I figured the way Nebrasketball goes we would have that dream season and get a #1 seed only to be the first #1 seed to lose. Thank goodness that can't happen.
  6. I bet some UMBC fan picked this
  7. of the NCAA tournament (I broke my boycott so MrsCH could watch Misery) and noticed this was going down. Glad I broke my boycott so I could watch history.
  8. After we beat them!
  9. Well if Brett Edwards says it, it has to be true.
  10. Looks like click bait at this point. Could be something but looks like a typical message board, I am hearing but I am not telling post.
  11. I would give you my monthly quota of up votes for this IF I could.
  12. I would have expected this too HAD the two guys and really Nee is last couple classes, left the cupboard stocked like when Nee was winning many games. Problem is, at a school with no history, sometimes it has to get worse before it gets better. Heck look at the football program and it had history.
  13. Don't we get at least one of the two huge ex football coaches off the payroll next year? I like this plan.
  14. Pretty sure that was the most energetic thing Collier ever did at UNL
  15. This and he needs to do it soon.
  16. Said it before in this thread, we win big at home against that team. The 300 or so fans didn't make it a festive atmosphere.
  17. 50 years of following them and I am not sure I have another 40 in me.
  18. Spot on, I have taken heat for saying this. Agree with folks that said getting guys in the league will help all things Nebraska but both need to fine tune things.
  19. There are parts of this state I would let become part of Mississippi.
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