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Everything posted by colhusker

  1. Hope my gut is wrong, but I don't see BC winning this.
  2. BC losing it's lead faster than crap out of a goose.
  3. Good point
  4. I didn't want Ed to go, but Copeland and Palmer more than made up for it.
  5. The only time I don't think there was a better option waiting in the wings for the key transfers was Andrew White.
  6. Think we are on the same page with this.
  7. Oh dear god I both vomited in my mouth a bit with this AND laughed out loud.
  8. Don't think anyone would blame them for leaving. That said, think both are European level talent at this point, granted I could be wrong, I never thought that guy that thought Orange was better than Red would be in the NBA and he has been. My concern is IF either or both leave, we are back to being two ships short of full.
  9. I brought up Frank, someone else brought up Bo. Yes both ended up shooting themselves in the foot. That said, what we hired after coaches that did well stunk. Again I think Miles is on the verge of being the guy in Lincoln, yes I could be wrong. I also feel our new football coach will be successful.
  10. Not yet, but soon, very soon! The spelling and lack of semicolons is just typing to fast and having a phobia against proof reading.
  11. Bo is example two of why firing a coach that is successful or semi-success if a bad idea. Again, we have a football history that might have overcome the fact we fired a second coach with a better than 70% winning record. Sidenote per your comment, I like the Frost hire a lot, but before I am going claim he's the savior to the program, I'm going to let him coach a season. Anyone that thinks we can just fire our coach and get the next up and coming coach in basketball is kidding themselves (I would say I want what they are drinking, but I am to job two here in a few minutes and I get to sip the wonderful we are bottling). Hell as I sit here and type, I am reminded that we fired the most successful coach we've had in basketball and that led to Collier and Doc.
  12. As was pointed out elsewhere, some of those sub .500 teams are because we beat them to put them there. Yes the conference may be better next year and we may also be one of those better teams. You want to fire a coach because the conference may be better? You fire a guy that just won the second most games in a schools history and you might as well plan on sucking for a while afterwards because no one is going to touch the place. Need an example, look no further than our football program. How has our football program has done after firing a coach that won 75% of games? And no I am not sure he was the long term answer to replace Tom, but once Frank was let go, the bottom fell out. And at least with that example, there is some positive history to build on. And again, it's not like Doc left Tim a roster full of 4- and 5-star talent that was ready to go. Good lord, we get it, you don't like Miles
  13. Well there you go using logic
  14. Jim D this week?
  15. Left because they either saw the handwriting on the wall or both are delusional if they really believe they should have been playing the 3.
  16. Damn NCAA or BUST Now
  17. Is the NIT required to follow this logic? I mean it''s based on LuNARDi
  18. Wait wait wait, Miles is a soccer fan?
  19. Again, what was in the cupboard when he arrived? Was he suppose to walk in and use our rich history in basketball to recruit 4 and 5 star kids.
  20. Home Run Post
  21. Did they start their call to the show with - "Hi this is Husker/Cubs from (fill in blank) it's NCAA or Bust fire Miles!"
  22. Now they have to love him and would be the last people wanting him gone.
  23. Guessing on a couple message boards.
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