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Everything posted by Vinny

  1. I guess I’m failing to see what you’re getting at.
  2. Am I missing where we brought in an old stadium, old practice facility and saw our local talent to recruit dry up in the last three years?
  3. Honest question: at what point is poor performance adequate enough to be fired “with cause” and not have that giant buyout? How does the revolving door of transfers affect our APR? If we aren’t winning and the athletes aren’t getting the experience they deserve, is the coach doing their job? I know if things are going downhill at my job because of my job performance, I’m getting canned without any sort of recourse and I’m a union employee. Imagine a scenario where a coach has every resource they need: great facilities, assistants, fan support, recruiting budget, current talent and they still can’t win games or create an environment where the students athletes are staying and thriving. That feels like “cause”, doesn’t it?
  4. I thought by wearing my mask in public I was taking a stand against the virus. NOT IN MY BODY, CORONAVIRUS!
  5. I’m pretty damn cold in my seat watching the games.
  6. Rutgers - 74 Nebraska - 69 (nice)
  7. Jan 8 - Rutgers on the road
  8. ….I do not…. BUT I trust you are correct.
  9. You’re making us sound like we’re 40 and single. And sadly, that’s exactly who we are. We can’t figure ourselves out, how can we expect anyone (any coach) to?
  10. Can we make it so you can have two reactions to one post? Because this is true, so I like it. But this is true, so I am sad.
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